How Cold?

The coldest I can remember was New Years Day 1971. The guys were having a trail ride on the other side of town. I didn't have a truck or a trailer but I had a Yamaha DT1C so I put my quilted coveralls on, put on my "cowboy" boots with two pairs of socks and a scarf around my chin underneath my open face helmet and rode out there. It was snowy, icy and not any traffic on the road, I don't think I saw another car going or coming. It was hovering around 15 degrees as I recall...colder than a well diggers ass....on the road but once you hit the trails things start to get warm except for fingers and toes so you put your gloved hands on the exhaust header.

Nowadays, I throw a toe warmer in each Gearne and I have grip heaters installed and if its in the 30's I will stay in, most likely. 40's I ok with....