How will it run without PV fitted


New member
I know this is a bit of a dumb question but they say the dumbest are those that you don't ask, so here goes.

Despite numerous attempts to sort my PV out it is still not right. It still rattles and I dont think it is operating as it should.

If I removed the flapper in the exhaust port (which I think is the bit that rattles) but left the other two parts in situ, how can I expect it to run.
Like #$%^

The other two pats still turn to open the left and right power valves and I dont know if these would still operate without the flapper in place.. I assume they would though, however have no idea how it would affect performance. It would still essentially be lengthening the pipe at low revs, however due to the port being wide open (no flapper) you'd be sacrificing a lot of low to bottom and then having a noticible transition onto the pipe. Old school.. Nothing nothing nothing hit.. Live with the rattle if you can't fix it. As mentioned earlier they are designed with tolerances and will always have a bit of play in order work properly.