Hows this blokes form!

I had to watch that a few times in slow mo to try and figure out how he landed back on his feet! Like a cat lol.
Good on him for keeping his cool, you can hear his panic breathing near the end... twists a knot in my stomach:eek:
Very very lucky. Shows why you should always be watching the mirrors on a road bike...

He was. Says in the description he watched the vehicles behind him come to a stop. Then he relaxed. Impact happened 3 vehicles back and shuffled them all forward.

In some ways I think it was being relaxed that allowed him to simply be bumped off the bike the way he did. Absolutely insaneo though. Lotto ticket time for sure.
Holy #%@# :mad:

My guess is he really felt the impact later that day and over the next several; surprised he didn't have whiplash or some severe back pain after getting whipped like that :eek:

I haven't had a street bike for a few years now, but that's the type of thing that makes me hate riding in any type of traffic - friggin' morons in cars not paying attention.

I'll get another street bike one of these days as it's something I truly enjoy, but my hope is that by the time that happens, phones won't be allowed in vehicles (sort of kidding, but sort of not too). I cringe when driving my truck around at the number of people looking down or off to the side because they're checking their damn phone. It's not like there isn't enough to worry about when on the road :(

Glad that guy was ok...fubar'd his poor CBR :(:(
Almost happened to me...driver texting...I watched my mirror, and & pulled up next to the car in front me. Driver stopped right where I was sitting seconds prior. I wouldn't had a prayer...I was on my scooter.
Been there, done that. Thankfully he was OK. A lot of streeters end up dead that way.

I was out riding my Ninja 650 one night. Stopped at a 4-way stop. Saw there was a vehicle coming up from behind but didn't realize how fast it was coming. I had just started letting off the clutch and rolling the throttle to move on when I heard tires screech and, BOOM, I was hit.

Suffice it to say, my bike was messed up and I was messed up. Luckily, the bike just needed some parts and was good to go. I was lucky as well. Ended up with only a very sore and bruised lower back and strained ACL and MCL in my right leg. Thankfully I'm a ATGATT kind of guy and it saved me some pain for sure!
I had to look up ATGATT.. But clear as day! See blokes around here on sports bikes in shorts and thongs cruising around. It makes you wonder...