I lost my kickstand


New member
It fell off during a race this weekend.

2011 EC250.

Lower chain roller would be handy was well. :)


That sucks, happened to me but someone found it.
A mate has no stand. Real drag.
Good luck. Have heard some aftermarket unit can be adapted from a ktm maybe but not cheap and can't remember details.
I haven’t had a kickstand on my bike ever. No big deal. But I live and ride on the east coast. Just stop near a tree is all I do
Given the price of a new stand, I decided to buy a cheap metal triangle stand.

I bought a separate roller off eBay.

I was looking at the foldable plastic triangle stands but too many reviews said it broke at the pin.

In an unrelated matter, after 200-hours, my Rekluse EXP 3.0 disk is near the 10.47 mm minimums. Ordered a replacement.