I need this item 150.00.595


New member
Does anyone know where I can get a clutch master cylinder rebuild kit # 150.00.595? It is a small "AJP" clutch. I have tried GoFasters and Paul is also trying to help me find one. My clutch works fine, but it is getting harder to pull and this seems to be the problem from what I have been told.

If I cannot find this part, I would be interested in a good "complete" master cylinder that I could bolt on and replace this one.

I greatly appreciate any help with this problem.

Thanks for the info. I called them and they have it. I just ordered it and hopefully this one will be the correct kit. I had ordered the OEM model 150.00.095 and it did not work. After a lot of research, it appears that this is the correct model. The part number had a "c" at the end of the 150.00.595and hopefully that just means "clutch". Regardless, I'll know in a few days.

Thanks again for the info. I really appreciate it.

After ordering a few incorrect models (that the OEM book said were the correct models) I got the correct master cylinder rebuild kit for my clutch in and installed it without any problems. This was an odd problem, in that 1) I have never had any hydraulic clutch issues and 2)the clutch still engaged and disengaged perfectly, it was simply very hard to pull the clutch.

After taking the unit apart, I believe the problem was that dirt had worked in past the rubber cover and over time it got between the o-ring and the cylinder wall. This created a big restriction in the smooth pull of the clutch lever. After cleaning the piston, I could have probably re-installed it as it looked very good. As usual, hind sight is always 20-20. Regardless, it's something to pass on if anyone else develops a very hard clutch pull, even though the clutch is working fine.

Thanks again everyone,