If you ride a dirt bike in illinois=read this

your kids and/or grandchildren will thank you
as you thanked someone else for taking you riding
that first time.
A sticker or plate fund is a big win for the OHV community as long as the ohv community in your state or province is organized. We pay into a plate fund $40 annually, but the benifits are huge for the riding community. It will give the rider a leg up on the anti access groups in the long run.
I would be all for that if
it didnt say "illinois" next to my location.
We have no state or federal land to ride on here. So
this is just another fund to raid and use the money elsewhere for anything but its intended purpose.
Get this
If I have land I dont need a sticker to ride on my property,but if I invite you over to ride on my land you have to have the sticker to ride on my land (that I already pay taxes on).
We have very little provincially owned land here either. But the OHV fund can be used to develop trails on private land. The atv, snow mobile and dirt bike riders now have a million dollars a year for trail development. It is a 50% matching fund that can be matched with in-kind labor, materials and machine time or of course money. So far there has been no problem spending it all every year. The most important part is to be organized. If you don't have a state wide trail association, you guys should be starting one.
Indiana is very similar to Illinois in that we also had virtually no place to ride on public land even after decades of collecting $ from enthusiasts in the form of OHV registration fees. In the last few years they finally opened a couple spots but guess what? You have to pay at the gate to get in AND you have to have a paid registration sticker.
Where did all the money go? It was sucked away by IDNR Law Enforcement and other state pet projects that had nothing to do with OHVs. So now they charge a user fee everytime you or I want to access "our" land.
Screw them! I refuse to pay it again!
After a couple days of waiting for a return call that never happened, I finally got through to someone at the number listed for Jay Curtis at Hall's website.
I was polite and stated I had some concerns regarding this bill and would it be possible to speak to Jay Curtis,the secratary said jay was unavailable but I could speak with a legislative liason.Just as I starting to explain my main concern with the bill this person handed me over to "mike" (cant remember the last name)who "is more knowledgable and working on" this subject.My first concern is the state is charging me $15.00 to ride on land that is not provided to me.Mike stated that $15 was deemed cost prohibitive and it will be changed to $5.00 which will be used to aqquire and maintain a "riding area or trail network" just for the ohv's similar to badland's in Indiana.2nd concern regards the diverting of funds into something else other than an off road park for us,he stated that the money was earmarked for ohv use only.My last concern was that this $15 dollar fee to ride on private property might hinder introducing new riders to our sport,to which he stated thats why they dropped it from $15 to $5.I asked him if any work had been done to procure such a site?He said around the Pana area and over by Havana and Beardstown are being looked at as they are both strip mine areas and not good for much.I told him that an area like that would be perfect for us and thanked him for his time and insight.
Although I feel better about this at $5.00 a sticker
I'm still skeptical.
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Badlands is privately-owned, pay to play. You get to share it with every configuration of motor vehicle known to man. Not my cup of tea, to say the least.
Be very skeptical. The fact that they are wanting you to buy a sticker to ride somewhere that doesn't yet exist should be your first warning sign.
IL needs $!
texas went to an OHV sticker in 07.. we are required to have one to ride anywhere not private.. we have not gotten any new riding areas around here, but have not lost any either.. we almost lost one of our riding areas over a minnow "fish" that we were distrubing its habitat ( which is now completly dry )
the only good thing about our ohv sticker is it carries over to NM and Colorado, so if we are legal here, you dont need anything else.. they keep going up every year.. i think it was 18 this year.. and they all expire the same month, so it can be a hassel to get sometimes..

the only wierd thing about ours is you have to have one on a titled vehicle(pick up) if you take it off road also..
IN is mutually-exclusive. You cannot have a license plate and an OHV registration on the same vehicle. Fortunately, it's pretty easy to put a plate on a "converted" dirt bike here. I run IN plates instead of the OHV stickers and I can still get into the two state-owned riding areas if I want to pay the gate fee.

The goofy thing on that IL law is that you would have to have the sticker to ride on your neighbor's property. That's ridiculous and pitiful. It's what you get when you elect a bunch of crazy left-wingers, a loss of freedom and liberty. But I'm sure it's justified "to protect our children".:rolleyes:
For years now that have been collecting OHV registration fees (Quads) with the stated intent of opening two public riding areas. Well guess what? Just like mcnut stated it was sucked up by the state for other needs, and we are still the most offroad unfriendly state in the nation (also a lefty one I might add as well, despite or governor).

Make no mistake about it, the socialists in charge have no use for us, our sport, and especially our equipment. If they didn't have bigger problems "transforming" the country into something they feel more appropriate, I'm sure it would be much worse by now.