Injured... ZRX vs deer


Hey everyone, last Thursday morning on the way to work I had an unavoidable crash at over hwy speeds with a full size deer. It felt like I hit a parked car. I have no memory of the next 30 or so minutes of flying thru the air and skidding to a stop on the county road and waiting for the ambulance ride. Luckily a passer by gave assistance and stayed with me during that time. He took the pics. The impact area isn't in the pics. My gear did their job for me. (I'm able to function) My injury's are concussion, broken collar bone, 3 ribs, messed up lung, road rash and some elbow trauma thru my padded leather jacket. I think I'm done riding street bike in deer country, it could of been so much worse! BTW my pristine 02' ZRX is a total loss.:(


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I hit our dog (a Collie) riding a track at home years ago. I flew over the bars and did a face plant. The dog hardly got hurt.

Best wishes on a quick recovery.
That stinks, I hope you recover alright. I ride my street bike to work almost every day and I have to say dirt bikes are way more fun no stop signs or speed limits, and no idiots who can't drive. I'm glad you survived to ride another day
I feel for you. Other than the getting hurt part I have a ZRX and I'd hate to smash it up, there too much fun to ride
You were unlucky. I have hit a couple of deer in my minivan within the last 6 years. Killed the deer and damaged my van severely. Both were about dusk. A couple of years ago there were two street riders killed after deer strikes.

It is a random event but not as unlikely as you might think. As you noticed there is nothing you can do most times. One leaped in front of me You think you could use your skill to avoid it or stop but that isn't much of an option, although one time I missed a deer by inches by swerving when I was at speed on big road bike.

It is boring but consider something more on the street.

Lastly become a hunter fill your freezer. Do your part to reduce the deer population.
Thanks everyone... Here are some pics of what's left of my showroom ZRX. I'm very lucky and fortunate to be walking & talking but still bummed about my ZRX. The reason there's floor dry under it is the engine block broke when the mag cover was ripped off. The insurance guy is looking at the bike tomorrow, I don't look forward to their appraisal. I have two young boys and a baby girl on the way in the next few weeks so it's game over for any more street riding for this guy, too risky I guess after this accident. I hope someone can learn from my misfortune in some way. BTW that's deer sh*t on the side of the tank.


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I had a freind killed last fall after he hit a deer on his way to work in the morning. he lost control and hit a guide wire.