Instrument power? Trail Tech Vapor


New member

I'm changing the clocks on my 2001 EC 300.

I've taken off the old Hebo clocks, and attempted to fit a trail tech vapor.

I've got the tacho, rpm and temp wires all hooked up, the problem is power to the vapor unit?

Any potential connectors dont match up, the vapor has a much newer smaller conector with two terminals:

I have one conector with two terminals (two wires, orange and black)

And another with three terminals (three wires, blue, white, red)

Are any of these wires likely to be the power to the clocks unit, does the OEM Hebo unit require power?

I just spliced mine into the headlight circuit. My old Hebo unit was battery only.
There should be a power wire supplied with the kit that hooks to the 2 terminal connector...then you run those wires to the battery...or wherever you plan to get power from