intermittant stuck throttle


New member
i recently bought an 05 de300. it was brand new at dealer. from the very first ride i noticed sometimes (its getting more often) after a steady throttle(1/8-1/4) when i let off the gas the engine stays at that rpm until i crack the throttle again. cable adjustment is good. any ideas?
the carb shouldnt be dirty, it is brand new, first tank of gas. also the rpm goes right back to idle after you crack/rev the throttle
Check your cable routing. Many of us have replaced the stock cable with a cable that is 1.5" longer to avoid the throttle from being opened when turning the bars. If the stock cable isn't routed just right it can cause issues.
Could just be lean jetting considering the weather, you can richen the pilot and/or airscrew which should eliminate the hanging idle if it is a mixture problem.

Other than that, check the cable installation in the slide, and particularly the plastic spring guide to be sure its completely seated with the small tab in the notch of the cable anchor.

I'd get a longer cable, and also split your carb vents running a pair up to the airbox.

Are you Andy's friend that just got the GG?
pulled carb apart found main jet laying in bowl drain. guess that may be it. needle was at clip pos 2, set at pos 3. 40 pilot seems good,180 main #7 slide