ISDE qualifiers


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Looking for someone nearby (Western Oregon or SW Washington) to share a trip to Missouri and Idaho with to help make it more affordable. Just a feeler so far.
I think we could take the box van, but I'm not exactly sure what makes the most sense for camping. The "box van" is an old Wonder Bread van body, highly modified and bolted to an early '90s Dodge 4x4 Cummins diesel with 35" tires on it. It should return close to 20mpg over the road, and will carry lots of stuff. Living in it may be less fun though. We could also tow my travel trailer with my Ford F250 with a V10, but it's not exacly economical to drive. However, camping in my travel trailer is the high life comparably speaking. If we had a total of three folks pitching in for fuel and camping costs, it could be reasonably cheap.
Do they have dates on the qualifiers yet? Or are you just expecting the same approx schedule as last year? Missouri in late april and Idaho City in Late may?

I plugged it into google and trip to missouri from my home in portland is 2150 miles - assuming 65 mph average - that's 33 hours of driving...

Why both??.....Idaho seems much closer? Do you need to qualify at both events? Just thinking out loud!
He is just increasing his odds - they take top 3 in each class from each event, etc. - except for senior class where they take class winners from each event plus one "wild card".

If he were to make top 3 in class in Missouri then he wouldn't have to ride Idaho... If he misses it in missouri or has a mishap then he has Idaho as a backup. They used to take best of your top 2 or 4 days (there used to be more then just 2 qualifiers years ago...).

Roostafish - what class are you riding?

Riding E-3. If there's an over 40 option, I'll take it.

This may not set well with the GG faithful here, but I have a chance to ride a KTM for free for the year. The catch?? I give it back after my racing, whether I qualify, or after the six days. It sits on the shelf for sale at a discounted price, one that he won't lose money on, and I pay flooring until it sells.

I don't know how good of a deal that is honestly, so I'm thinking about it. Drawback #2. I don't get to pick. I ride what he wants me to ride. No idea what that might be, but he's no dummy, and has helped lots of ISDE riders.

No schedule yet, just going off of last year.
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There was a senior class last year and I assume there will be one this year as well (40+). Winner is taken from each qualifier - last year Matt Stavish won Idaho and Chilly White won in Missouri... Add one wild card rider to make 3 person senior team - seems like they pick the best qualified 2nd place rider in this class. Your best shot will be in senior class.

Hey Mike,
I can definitely do the Idaho City portion of the trip with you.

We can take my truck and new truck camper - sleeps two very comfortably and it has toilet, shower, heat and AC. I can tow my 6 X 10 enclosed wells cargo behind the truck/camper combo with a short extension on the hitch. I have a nice pop-up to take along.

I am toying with the idea of doing Missouri with ya too - but man that's a long way to go. The thought of it made me start working out in the gym at work - so it can't be all bad... :)

I am toying with the idea of doing Missouri with ya too - but man that's a long way to go. The thought of it made me start working out in the gym at work - so it can't be all bad... :)


You've got the bug! There are some folks here that don't even ride dirt bikes that are talking like they'd like to go. Funny. I didn't get this kind of response when I was doing this all the time.

I do have the best shot in the senior class I'm sure, but my pal Dennis Sweeten went back East two years ago and won the friggin E-3 class. Yup, 1st place, the bastard. He rode E-3 in Greece. I have no such compunction that I would place so high, he's a better rider than I am, and the former national #4 in trials, in their pro class whatever that's called. He can do amazing trials like stuff on a giant four stroke. Humiliating actually. He rode a 300 in Greece, threatening to ride a 250F this time.
I used to ride trials with Dennis when I lived in the area. The first year he got involved with trials he was riding either Expert or Championship class by the end of the year (can't remember). I think he was already riding Advanced by his 2nd competition. Nice guy and a very gifted rider.
I corrected the spelling of his name in the previous post...

Really nice guy - I only raced A class for a short time before my daughter was born and I raced very little after that; But, I was on the same minute with Dennis at one event. Smooth and bunny hopping his cr250 around - always standing with his feet glued to the pegs.

Does he still own performance apex?- looked at the website and it looks like no more trials focus, etc.

I have a chance to ride a KTM for free for the year. The catch?? I give it back after my racing, whether I qualify, or after the six days. It sits on the shelf for sale at a discounted price, one that he won't lose money on, and I pay flooring until it sells.

Will they cover repairs,suspension revalving, etc for the entire year?

Paying the floor plan may cost more than the up-keep on your current bike.
Took me a long time to go back to this thread, but here's the answer. Flooring on an $8000 is about $70 monthly. I'm pretty much stuck for everything on the bike, and it'd better be usable when he gets it back. Needless to say, I went with the Gas Gas deal. I felt best about it, and Gary appreciates me and what I'm doing, plus I've sent him paying customers who bought Gas Gas bikes. That means there are more out there! I'm happy with the Gas Gas decision. I do wish I could join their engineering group and fix a few easy things though. I still want to kick the guy who was in charge of easy access for routine maintenance.