JD Blue or Red needle. 2011 EC300


New member
So I have now rebuilt the top end on the bike and want to get jetting sorted better.

Which needle to go for. I have the JD needles and a N3CJ.

Current temp is 10?c and wet. Sealevel to 1000ft

Carb is 38mm AS2

Just want a starting point and a needle to go with.

OK I will give that a try. Out on the bike in the morning so hopefully will be ok.

Are the JD Needles any good then?
I'm a fan of the JD needles, very smooth.
N3CJ is a little abrupt.
Try all three and you decide.
I ride a lot of tight single trail with big climbs so smooth is good I suppose. But that's all I really know is the JD blue Needle.

But like you said I need to try all 3. Just going to take a while to do as have lack of time setting up for each needle.
Interesting. I found the exact opposite. My bike has the squish cut and is quite high on comp though. Maybe that's the difference.

So many variables I have sorted the jetting on 5 bikes and not one has the same settings. Trial and error is the only way. I know how I want the bike to run just a matter of finding the combo.
So many variables I have sorted the jetting on 5 bikes and not one has the same settings. Trial and error is the only way. I know how I want the bike to run just a matter of finding the combo.

I totally agree. Plus all the other jetting plays a roll as well.
What he said.

Differences in the cylinders (port changes, casting flaws, deck height, etc).
Differences in the carbs (Few variations in circulation; AS1/2; 36mm/38mm; slide cutaways and/or notched)
Differences in the rider (expectation on power delivery)
Differences in the area/terrain/elevation/temp
Differences in ignition mapping (few difference CDI's across models/capacities)
Differences in fuel
Differences in head setup (squish clearance, comp ratio, etc)

And that's just a few.
What he said.

Differences in the cylinders (port changes, casting flaws, deck height, etc).
Differences in the carbs (Few variations in circulation; AS1/2; 36mm/38mm; slide cutaways and/or notched)
Differences in the rider (expectation on power delivery)
Differences in the area/terrain/elevation/temp
Differences in ignition mapping (few difference CDI's across models/capacities)
Differences in fuel
Differences in head setup (squish clearance, comp ratio, etc)

And that's just a few.

Differences in rider is probably a big factor for me. I came from a 07 KX450. It's power delivery was so abrupt! It was a handful.