jd jet kit 03 ec300 stock


New member
ok just purchased jd kit for my 03 ec300.tomorrow gonna play with it.riding from 2000ft to about 5000.i will follow jd instructions.but any input would be apreciated
I would think with a jd kit, you will be fine. I was shocked when I opened up my 01 300 when I did a ltr jet kit. Mine was jetted oe for leaded gas...
It had a 35 pilot in it, which I had never seen before. I am about the same altitude as you and have been switching between a 42 and a 45 pilot. The ltr kit came with a 45, which I (insert dummy here) thought would be too rich, but seems to be fine. I think the main is a 170 or 175, don't remember for sure. I am running the oe needle, center clip.
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