JD jet kit for Gas Gas 300


New member
Well I got my JD kit today.
I went by the directions for 5k to 8k ft elevation
Red clip 3
170 main
40 pilot
1 3/4 fuel screw

Well I must say it feels spot on so far. I will have a complete report for you guys after saturdays ride.

The kit comes with 5 mains, 2 pilots, and 2 needles. The instructions give you info for the 36mm carb and thr 38mm carb
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Well I took it for the first ride today.


It ran slightly lean so I will have to raise the needle 1 clip and give it another test run.
You didn't do it on the trail side?? :rolleyes:

Thats one of the things I love about these bikes.. Change a needle in the time it takes someone to take a piss break!
Well I got my JD kit today.
The kit comes with 5 mains, 2 pilots, and 2 needles. The instructions give you info for the 36mm carb and thr 38mm carb

Mine only came with 4 mains and 2 needles( red and blue). No pilots.
What's the part # on your kit?
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JDjetting JDG001

Hi, I bought a few days ago JDjetting JDG001, but it turned sheet settings gone. I will ask if it is possible to take a photo and send it to me. penev8506@abv.bg
Thanks in advance!
Hi, I bought a few days ago JDjetting JDG001, but it turned sheet settings gone. I will ask if it is possible to take a photo and send it to me. penev8506@abv.bg
Thanks in advance!

I'll make a PDF and email it to you. I'll do it tomorrow, at work at present and don't have the instructions with me.


PDF emailed to you 11-03-2014.
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