Jd red needles for different bikes??


New member
Hey guys does anyone know if the red needle out of say a husaberg kit is the same as the gasgas kits red needle?? I lost my gasgas needle but have a red out of a husaberg kit. I don't know why they would be different as they only have a red dot on them to mark them so how would you even know what kit they came out of right?? Just wanting some input
I kind of figured I just never understood why they have all the different kits if they just come with different paper work but the same needles and jets.
Yeah same across the 2T ranges. Different paperwork and additional jets depending on the bike.
The needles in the gas gas kit should have four rings on in........I done the same thing and had to call the company and he said they were four different red needles. you could tell them apart by the # of rings below the clip groves
That's not true for the 001 kit. My gasgas kit came with a red needle with 5 clip positions and my husaberg kit came with the same 5 clips. Maybe the 11/12 kit is different
It has nothing to do with the clip position groves....... These are located below the clip groves........they are lightly scored rings. You can feel them with your fingernail .
They both have the same amount of rings as well, I know those groves are there and that is precisely why I asked the question initially because the gasgas needle and my husaberg needle are identical. Maybe those too kits just run the same needle if Jd is saying there is different tapers. All good anyway I ran the berg needle in the gasser today and it is responding exactly the same as the gasser red needle
I've confirmed the fact from JD himself (or someone working for him using his emails in any case) that the red and blue needles from a KTM/Berg 2T kit are identical to the red and blue needles used in the GG 2T kit.