Jetting advice

Found time to do a bit of tinkering and jet swapping this afternoon. Fortunately I have a km of 10% gradient twisty road at the end of the street so I am able to give the bike a pretty good run to test out the effects of any jetting changes with the engine under load. Going up on the main definitely made things worse with the bike struggling to pull until it hit the power band, much like it was at the weekend. #1 on the needle is also giving the best response.

For the moment then I can't do any more with the jetting as I am as lean as I can go without getting more brass. Since the plug looks spot on now, and my jetting is leaner than most of the settings in the database, I don't think that is necessary.

I'm back up the mountain at the weekend so I will see how it works then.

Next stop will be checking and correcting the squish.
If you get the squish down to somewhere useful, like 1mm, you will need to cut area out of the chamber or the compression will be several orders too high. But super worthwhile
Had a revelation today.

Was up in the mountains again and the bike was definitely better that last week but still lacking in mid-range before it came on pipe. I had all my brassware with me this time though and swapped back to the N1EF#1 and 35pj. Of course this brought back the bobble up 1/8th throttle which the NEDJ had removed but after that the bike was so much better. Where I had been struggling with to keep the revs up high enough to prevent the bike bogging, once I got through the initial off idle bobble the bike pulled much stronger and was much more controllable coming on the the pipe.