jetting - idle issue.


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with a 42 pilot my bike idles great, and idle screw works as it should. but i get a bog off the bottom. no adjustment of air screw will remove this bog.

with a 45 pilot and airscrew at 1.5, my bike has no bog on the bottom and runs much better/stronger off idle, BUT the idle screw has almost no effect when warm. i have to wind screw in and get it basically out of the idle circuit to keep it running. if i keep the idle screw in the same position for both pilots, it idles great w/42 but will stall w/45...

any suggestions???
Raise the needle and run the 42. Off idle opens the throttle, which puts the carb on the needle. If you raise the needle, the transition is richer, to which the 45 pilot was pointing.
Sounds like good advice. What temp are you setting this for? I'm thinking of dropping to a 42 from a 45 myself.
Well.....did the jetting tips work? Inquiring minds want to know.....Your jetting a 200 right?