jetting nightmare on 300 racing 09

fabulous furry

New member
i have been riding with few plugs in my camelback because even with lean carburation the bike fool plugs.i changed needle for CCK with clip on second from top 168rd on main and 40 on pilot had 35 but really was too lean.took the cylinder off to clean exhaust valve .the bike does not rev well and pinks when cutting gas i am lost..i changed the silencer packing because i use formula 927 castor bean and that was a mistake it had blocked the packing solid.i now use motul 800 at 1.5% .it is hot and humid where i leave at sea level.the only think that works is a ngk plug 5 or 6.
Hello Mr Fabulous -

Your IP address indicates that you are in Grenada? Do you you have leaded or unleaded fuel there?

Please tell us what number slide you have and also what your idle adjustment and air screw adjustment screws are set at - e.g. number of turns out from full in. Is your idle screw adjustment all the way in and "coil bound"?

As the previous poster states - you might have another problem causing this, like a leaking crank seal.

If you have unleaded fuel - for the cck needle, I would go with #3 or #4 clip position and a 178 main. Go with a 42 or 45 pilot and back down the idle adjustment. It is okay to have air screw adjustment up to 3 turns out on this carb. Try starting with 2 and a 1/4. I would go back to a b8 plug and diagnose the issue and not try to mask it by running a hotter plug.

And finally - is your air filter clean and not over-oiled?

.i now use motul 800 at 1.5%

you're mixing 66:1, seems light on the oil mix. most run 40:1-50:1

imho if it smokes all the time (not just very light puffs of smoke), even when bike is hot, and you're mixing 66:1 / 168 main/40 pilot/cck #2/and it's fouling plugs/i would think you have a crank seal leak/or you're introducing extra oil somehow into the combustion chamber.....
we have unleaded fuel here octane between 95 and 98 but i add octane booster to the mix.the idle screw is all the way in and the mix screw does not make much dif. only if you really have one turn out so i changed the pilot for a 40 and the screw is now 3 turns out. it works better but still does not fell like a clean rev when you open the trottle like on my 250.the slide is original and presumably a #7.air filter clean.
ok i will try with the original setting again but will bring a 6 plug in my bag to get back home.thanks alot for your help.
You have a problem, it shouldn't be this hard. Is the PV opening? Are your reeds intact? Pull the carb for a more detailed inspection like float level, float valve condition, and perhaps the nozzle assembly. Can you try another carb?

I agree 66:1 is too lean on oil IMO. I'm all the way up to 36:1 with Amsoil Dominator.
Maybe it's ignition problem??
Have you check ignition timing, coil, spark plug wire/cap, CDI?
thanks for all your help .yes the PV is now clean after being completed blocked with maxima 927 .it could be the ignition i will check if water went in the flywheel cover.the smell of the oil is an issue with fellow riders especially the 4 strockers does amsoil dominator works well at 50.1?
So its clean now but is it opening, and was it reasembled correctly? Your problem sounds like a classic case of a stuck shut PV.

You can run Amsoil Dominator richer and its still super clean oil. At 36:1 with good jetting, the PV parts, exhaust port, and head have brown stains, thats it. Its a high flash point oil like Motul 800 so it will spooge a bit but that should not be criteria for jetting.