LA Black Coal National Enduro September 15


New member
Throw my sales pitch out for the national enduro im helping with sept 15. Im laying out section 3. Everyone, including myself is always looking for somewere or someone to ride with and this enduro is going to be a dirt bikers dream. 90-95% of the enduro will be single track and 75% is on our, the general publics, interlake property, state ohv area. All of this is from what we have been told, going to be marked trail after the race. We are still well into the process of walking and cutting the trails by hand w machetes and marking tape with clearance from the dnr. Anyways, C class riders will ride the first 4 sections, B class 5, and A class 6. The trail will be good trail, the new enduros are not like the old school as far as obstacacles and such are concerned. You dont need any time keeping equipment, the only out of pocket expense you may need is a spark arrestor. The new enduro format basically scores a rider but placing a impossible mph average and whoever drops the least amount of time from that will have a lower time on the section. If section one was supposed to take 20min to do and you do it in 30min you score a 10min time on that section. Its like riding 4-6 individual little harescrambles and you never ride anything twice! I pretty well stopped riding harescrambles because of these enduros and i travelled and raced in them for the past 4 years off and on. Its laid back, you can sign up with your buddys/family and make it a trail ride thats on good marked trail. Id love to see a huge local showing and maybe a few local guys put it on some southerners and series regulars. Sign up opens on july 3rd at 7pm central on the website, . You can sign up the day of the race if it hasnt sold out or you can take row positions that were not filled or had absentism. Look up there site and snoop around, alot more info there. Ill check back on here if anybody has any questions. Spread the word and sign up next week!
Being it "sould" be fairly dry in september id say a later row would be pretty good. Its almost all virgin trail so some faster/easier lines will open up later on. Glad to hear you all are going to make it!!

What time does everyone get started up on the Sunday of the event?

I will be cutting my family vacation short a day so I can make it back for this. I will sign up online but I will still need to get there early to get my transponder and stickers to put on my number plate.

Was just curious as to when the folks in the tent will be there to get everyone in. I assume riders meeting is at 8?
Riders meeting is normally 8-8:15, I believe sign up starts at 7 on Sunday, (2 or 3PM on Sat) you'll need time to go through tech inspection also. If you pre-enter then thay'll have your packet ready when you walk up. Don't forget, you'll need your AMA card & helmet at sign-up
Fred knows the drill. I usually get to a enduro by 6:30 in the morn if im on a early row. If its a late row hell 8am is not out of the question really. I try and grab my stuff sat afternoon then all thats left sun morn is tech inspection. Its really laid back compared to a hare scramble or anything else realy
Thanks guys. I would like to be able to get there Saturday but I will literally just be getting back from a Florida vacation late sat. night. I should be fine getting there early Sunday. I appreciate the info.
Update on the enduro, the NEPG came in last week and prerode the entire trail. They loved it and couldnt believe how much brand new single track we have cut. They brought up a good point and im personally going to take friday and saturday morn to fix it, interlake is so big that we cut enough mileage for a normal national but we have very little travel mileage or transfer between section because of interlake large chunk. So we are going to cut out 2-3 miles off of numberous section so the race wont be such a "ballbuster", especially for the B and A riders. Im personally cutting back atleast 2.5 miles, maybe more. Looks like we have around 350 signed up so if the weather turns out pretty good walk in's sunday morn are more than welcome. For you guys that ride here alot it will be the perfect time learn alot of the trails and have some fun.
Famous? Shit. Lol. Keith obermeyer got it on there for me. Trying to encourage a few more enties since the weather is going to be awesome!!
Well Andy, I must say, that was a great course you laid out. I had an awesome time and it was great to see the historic Black Coal make it back to the nationals.

BTW...there is such a thing as a straight line that you can use to ride on...:) just giving you a hard time. My shoulders are still sore.
I enjoyed it as well, fun test#4 Andy.... I even spectator rode #5 for practice. Great job to you and your club!