Little play in the snow in UK.


Gold Level Site Supporter
Went for a little spin this morning.. Did about 35 miles, lanes were fun but the roads were absolute deathtraps and mostly rode on the grass verge's and edges, had lots of off's just trying to cross roads! No studded tyres here!





Stuck to the real easy lanes today as didnt fancy coming off and coming a cropper on my own!

Only a few pics as well as the camera died very soon after setting out, seems like the camera dosent like the cold! Neither did the carb, kept icing up, ended up wrapping my spare innertube round it to try and insulate it, seemed to work quite well.
Hampshire/Surrey most of the time with trips to the Peaks and Wales normally once a month.
The first picture is very cool! That 3hundo looks right at home:D
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