LS2 MX470 Subverter helmet


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My Kali Protectives Shiva 2.0 helmet has been officially retired due to my recent crash. To replace it I cast a wide net looking for my next lid. I looked at all the traditional motorcycle helmets and even took a serious look at downhill MTB helmets as well. For those that don't want to read this long post, my video review, with more info, is here: (corrected video url)

After a lot of research I decided on the LS2 MX470 Subverter. One caveat, I ordered a European ECE only rated version over the DOT/ECE rated one found in the U.S. Why? The European version is supposedly four tenths of a pound lighter. Considering my injury, and my now weakened neck muscles, a helmet being lightweight was very important to me. I also really like that it has an emergency cheek pad removal system. I bought the solid white version as to reflect most of the heat from sunlight and, hopefully, be just a bit cooler riding here in sunny Arizona.

Initial impressions after three rides on it, I'm very happy with my choice. This helmet is lightweight, comfortable, cool looking, and vents better than any other helmet I have ever owned or tried. Comparing it to my Kali, the LS2 is just a touch heavier but more comfortable and with far superior ventilation. Compared to the Klim F4, the best ventilated helmet I had ever ridden with until now, the LS2 is a lot lighter, has a much smaller shell size, doesn't catch branches on the vents, is much quieter at speed, and actually has better overall airflow. The F4 ventilated the back half of my head better than anything, including the LS2. However, I've never found any helmet that I could actually feel ventilation on the front half of my head, especially the forehead, until the LS2 Subverter. That is a game changer IMO.

The only negative, IMO, that I have with the helmet is the light colored interior and yellow chin strap. For me this means lots of cleaning to try to keep the interior looking clean. I just suspect lots of staining knowing me. I wish LS2 would just use a gray or darker colored interior and a normal black chin strap. There is a slight pressure point at the top of edge of the cheek pads but suspect this will go away after a little break in time and I don't notice it while riding.

I purchased mine from Italy through Price was $193.08 including shipping. That's almost $7 cheaper than buying from RMATV with free shipping! It did take a little longer to arrive than I expected but I do think it was worth the weight (did you see what I did there? LOL!) Any questions about it just let me know.

Last edited: had them for $129.
I paid $200 for mine.
You can really feel the air flow.
The only negative I found was that it is too heavy. had them for $129.
I paid $200 for mine.
You can really feel the air flow.
The only negative I found was that it is too heavy.
Yeah, I almost went with one from Motorcyclecloseouts but I didn't like the colors and they only sell the heavier DOT version. The European ECE only version is only 2.8lbs hence why I ordered from Italy and got the color I wanted.
Weight and cool air were my two major points when I bought my Airoh Aviator Series one for 450 USD. It was a brilliant helmet but the price was also just ridicolous.
After 5 years, in the meantime unemployed I tried the Aviator Series two and it did not fit good as they completely changed the liner. No drama as I could not afford one anyway.

Then met a rider who said his LS2 470 is even better in terms of cooling than the Airoh. Had a close look at it and I really liked it but compared to my Aviator it was a bit heavy though it was lighter than most other helmets in its price class (around 200 USD).

The guy in the shop said he has another LS 2, a MX 437 for USD 159.- I tried that and it fit extremely well and was considerably lighter. I did not buy it as I did not like the bright amber interior for the same reasons you mentioned in your write up, which I think is brilliant btw.
Also I disliked the cheapish rivet like studs with which the liner is clicked into the helmet. So I did not buy it.

Few month later I saw the helmet on for 104 bucks including shipment. I bought it and used it for a year and its definitely a brilliant helmet, just not as cool due to the lesser air vents. I bought another one as a spare for 102 and now on 24mx I bought a third one for incredible 66 bucks!

The helmet has a ECE approval and I had a hard carsh with it and its done its job although I suffered a brain concussion (hard hit with my head on tarmac).
The peak is almost unbreakable. many will laugh about such a cheap helmet but I don't care :-)

My next one is the one you bought and I'll also get it in plain white. I just need the good ventilation and I can live with the higher weight.
I read in some of the reviews that these helmets run small and one should order one size up. Do you guys find that to be accurate?
Jacob, I would not say it's on size differnce but the 437's I are smaller than other helmets in the same size, which is "M" in my case. When its brand new its a tad too tight but the liner loosens a bit during use.

Compared to an Airoh Aviator, a Nolan (dunno the type) and an Arai its smaller.

But I do not know if that's the same with the 470.
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I wore a large Airoh Aviator, went with the Large Subverter.
The fit around the cheeks were tight, but felt great after a few hours.
I ordered the same size, medium, as every helmet I've ever worn. I've worn Shoei, O'neal, Kali, Klim, etc. and the LS2 MX470 fit is very close to them. Yes, maybe just a bit tighter than the others but it is really comfortable.
I appreciate the responses. Currently have a Shoei, looking for something more along the lines of the Klim f4 it replaced. Love the Shoei, but it is seriously lacking in adequate air flow for what and where I ride, especially in the summer months. The 470 looks like it may be the ticket, without breaking the bank.
Yeah, you'll like it. I really loved my Klim F4 but I didn't miss the noise or the the top vents liking to grab small branches therefore trying to rip my head off. The MX470 is much quieter and doesn't snag more than any other normal helmet.
LS2 helmets are more of a long oval, which may appear to be "tighter" to those with round heads. I have struggled with my oval head to find a decent fitting helmet, and I can say that the LS2 brand fits better than my HJC or Scorpion helmets. I can't remember off hand the model that I have, but I really like the oval shape which reduces pressure on my forehead.
Will revive this thread to hopefully help others.

Got the MX 470 Subverter size XS on sale for $200 on sale down from $300.
Bought it on line so could only try the fit once it arrived. Dealers are sparse in Australia so had to take a punt.
It is the ECE version , lighter than the Snell version sold in some markets

Initial feelings :

- Finish is ok
- Helment is light
- Fit is a bit strange . Very tight on the cheeks , loose elesewhere
- No filter on the mouth area vents
- Minimal soft padding compare to other helmets
- Not sure what the inflatable ring is for?
- Did not fit the optional "chrome" inserts ..not sure who these were designed to appeal to?

After 6 months use feelings are:

- Fit is still 'different', very tight on the cheeks, but it's starting to bed in and can't say it is uncomfortable and does not move around.
- Taken one tumble where the side of the helmet hit the ground. A fair bit of the impact was transferred. No injury but it was noticeable compared to other helments with more padding.
- Wash the liner after every ride and it still looks ok and it holding up
- The exterior finish is holding up too
- The venting (which is the main reason i bought the helmet) does make a difference - it works!

In summary
- I would not call this a premium helment but at $200 its good value
- If you ride in hot / humid condtions this helmet is definitely worth looking at. The venting makes a difference to rider fatigue!
- Make sure you find one to try on before buying as the fit is "different"
Just to add to my review

I take the visor off after each ride / weekend to wipe mud off helmet / visor

The second time I did this the right hand screw would start but only go in a few threads. Seemed the brass (?) insert in the helmet was partly stripped / cross threaded.

How a metal insert could have been stripped by a misaligned plastic screw beats me!

Anyway, I packed it out with some plastic washers and tightned as far as I could. Wasn't pretty but worked ok.

Last ride of the season I took a tumble doing a gnarly climb on some rocky terrain. Banged my head 2 - 3 times rolling downhill. No impact passed on but decided it was best to "retire" the helmet.

Have ordered another MX 470. Only downer was the discount price i got the first one for was no longer available - cost another $80 ! :mad:

Still not my favourite helmet but at $250 cheaper than the next well vented alternative (Leat 5.5) it was an easy choice
Thanks for adding your experience and impressions on it.

Still loving mine. I do have to agree the fit is definitely different but nothing that bothers me. As for feeling small impacts more, yeah, I can see it as it has less comfort padding compared to some helmets. However, what matters is what happens when you have a real impact, does it do the job or not? I hope I never have to find out but, if I do, I will post up about it providing I'm still around to do so!