MC250 '05 jetting & ignition


New member

After testing a new '05 MC250 I decided to buy it. The bike felt much lighter than my '98 EC with much improved ergonomics. In slipery rock gardens I was afraid that it will kick a lot but this never happened. It just needed carefull clutching (I used mainly 2nd. It's a euro 4-speed) in order not to stall. Great, smooth motor for long scrable races! BUT, it is down on overall power compared to my 98! It felt rich (always needed some time to clean up after slow technical places).

Can you suggest some jetting specs? Or reeds?

Is a heavier flywheel really necesary to improve the stall factor? The same from an EC?

Can it run lights without adding anything to the ignition? There was an extra cable going up to the frame and not connected anywhere. Is this for lights?

Thank you!!
