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MXPRODUCT: Motion Pro LiteLock Rim Locks!
Posted on May 19, 2011, 4:53 pm
By Dean Hyman
Motion Pro LiteLock Rim Locks - Save You Three Ways!
Every once in a while, something comes along that's just better. Rim locks have always been a pain in the neck, a necessary evil that only made tire mounting more complicated to get right. And they add weight; un-sprung weight, out-of-balance weight, the worst kind of weight. And in worst case scenarios, they even corrode, hidden in a place that can get wet and stay that way for a long time.
Enter Motion Pro with their patent pending LiteLock rim locks. Advertised as "half the weight and 15% stronger than traditional aluminum rim locks", I can testify to real world weight savings. While I didn't see 50% weight savings in the rear, I did see 54% savings up front and 43% savings overall. That's enough to sell a lot of folks on the idea right there, especially at the reasonable price of $17.50 to $18.99 each (depending on the size). Each unit comes complete with the super-trick LiteLock rim lock nuts and beveled washers.
Even better for me was the absence of that pesky rubber flap and the overall smaller dimensions of the item. This is really a godsend when you are trying to squeeze the rim lock into place with the tire halfway on. And once it's in there, you don't have to worry about the rubber flap getting disturbed, crumpled or folded. The whole tire mounting process got easier in a big way. Torque them to 10 ft-lb and you're ready to race. A certain national distributor had carelessly placed their inventory label directly over the directions, so I was lucky to find that torque spec on my other package.
Motion Pro's "proprietary ultra light composite material" looks like it won't corrode any time soon. And that's good news for my rebuilt wheels. Save weight. Save time and hassle. Save your rims! There's no down side to this product, as far as I can see. It's the classic no-brainer. Get some with your next set of tires.
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MXPRODUCT: Motion Pro LiteLock Rim Locks!
Posted on May 19, 2011, 4:53 pm
By Dean Hyman
Motion Pro LiteLock Rim Locks - Save You Three Ways!
Every once in a while, something comes along that's just better. Rim locks have always been a pain in the neck, a necessary evil that only made tire mounting more complicated to get right. And they add weight; un-sprung weight, out-of-balance weight, the worst kind of weight. And in worst case scenarios, they even corrode, hidden in a place that can get wet and stay that way for a long time.
Enter Motion Pro with their patent pending LiteLock rim locks. Advertised as "half the weight and 15% stronger than traditional aluminum rim locks", I can testify to real world weight savings. While I didn't see 50% weight savings in the rear, I did see 54% savings up front and 43% savings overall. That's enough to sell a lot of folks on the idea right there, especially at the reasonable price of $17.50 to $18.99 each (depending on the size). Each unit comes complete with the super-trick LiteLock rim lock nuts and beveled washers.
Even better for me was the absence of that pesky rubber flap and the overall smaller dimensions of the item. This is really a godsend when you are trying to squeeze the rim lock into place with the tire halfway on. And once it's in there, you don't have to worry about the rubber flap getting disturbed, crumpled or folded. The whole tire mounting process got easier in a big way. Torque them to 10 ft-lb and you're ready to race. A certain national distributor had carelessly placed their inventory label directly over the directions, so I was lucky to find that torque spec on my other package.
Motion Pro's "proprietary ultra light composite material" looks like it won't corrode any time soon. And that's good news for my rebuilt wheels. Save weight. Save time and hassle. Save your rims! There's no down side to this product, as far as I can see. It's the classic no-brainer. Get some with your next set of tires.
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