Moto Tassarini


New member
is the Moto Tassarini that show's on their website a clean bolt-on? Or, is there machine work involved? Seems I remember some hassles with mounting one back in the Smackover days....

Its a clean bolt on but you need the manifold from an '05+ that comes with a VForce OEM as the RAD valve had an integrated manifold. Back in '03 I had to make my own manifold. Also, there is a close fit from the outer reed petals to the cases. The case area is a rough sand casting and should be cleaned up with a fine file, scotchbrite,and polish. The surface will actually function a a reed stop so you need it to be smooth or reed life will be crap.

Overall a worthwhile mod, I thought my '03 ran a lot better with it than the RAD valve. If your looking for big low end gains try and find the VForce II and run it in the "low tension" position.
The manifold, good catch. The old rad valve works OK, I was just thinking how good the Moto Tassarini works on my KTM and how it put low end muscle into my old YZ250. Aw, too many projects...