Just purchased the bike and it doesn't seem to run right.
It just stutters when trying to get in the upper revs. The low end seems good but that is about as good as it gets! I reckon I could run faster than it when it gets to the stuttering part!
It is running a 175main, 38 Pilot and N1EG needle on the second clip (tried 3rd also). Can you guys give me any advice on why it wont rev out properly? Is the main jet too lean?
I live in Australia. 0-1000 elevation. 25-30C
any advice would be appreciated. Cheers.
It just stutters when trying to get in the upper revs. The low end seems good but that is about as good as it gets! I reckon I could run faster than it when it gets to the stuttering part!
It is running a 175main, 38 Pilot and N1EG needle on the second clip (tried 3rd also). Can you guys give me any advice on why it wont rev out properly? Is the main jet too lean?
I live in Australia. 0-1000 elevation. 25-30C
any advice would be appreciated. Cheers.