my poor heart is broken, yet soothed

mountain thumper

New member
unfortunately my unemployment didnt work up to my <delusional> expectations of riding every day and having a blast but instead forced me to sell the gasser (again).
going back to her first owner, so i know shes in good hands, but my heart aches, i almost cried at work the day i realized what has to happed.
the soothing part is i found an 03 pampera 280 locally for a little more than ill have left over from selling mine, after i pay all the hungry millionairs that cant seem to survive without my .0000000001% of their income.
like my local hospital which couldnt do my bloodwork, sent me to a different place, who drew my blood and sent it TO THE HOSPITAL "that doesnt do bloodwork" so i got hit with 500 from each place!!!!
or my cell phone contract for 79 a month, that so far, hasnt been under 120 a month. considering i have "unlimited" everything it really irks me that they can get away with blatant deception,but if i break contract i have to pay them a 300 dollar penalty.
anyway back to the soothing part
ive read that the old 2t pamperas are slow and fragile. but that they are "mountain goats" theyll put all day long, except for a small tank apparently(kinda like me ec lol)
the bike has about the same amount of ride time as my 07(!) and is in excellent shape.

any thoughts, warnings, recommendations, good deals on a close(montana area) ec :)
im 6'4" 210lbs, i like to ride slow, rarely jump or wheelie, but now and then i like to ride as hard as i can till my butt cant take the stock 07 seat anymore.
ive heard its more of a trials bike with a seat than an ec, and ive never ridden a 2t without a power valve..
Personally I don't understand why anyone likes the 2t Pamperas. I have and like a Bultaco Alpina which is a trials bike/ trail bike combination. I like it so much that I decided about 10 years ago to buy a new Pampera to go with it and my JT270 trials bike. Money in hand I went to the Trials Training Center in Tennessee to pick up the bike. Before parting with the dough I took a quick ride and completely changed my mind. Yes the ergos were very close to the Alpina but it is way too fragile for for even a C level rider like myself to push to my limits. The kicker was that for me it just wasn't fun to ride mainly due to the trials gear ratios. First through third are very low and very close then the jump to 4th is so wide it makes the motor seem gutless. If you think you would like one of these bikes take a regular trail bike out on the trail and just ride it using 1st and 4th gears. If you have fun you'll love the Pamp. If you just want a smaller framed dirt bike a Honda crf150 or 230 is a much more fun to ride.

Side Note: I did leave the TTC with a gasser in my truck - a 99ec200- it was love at first ride - I've since added an 01xc300 and 07ec250.
not looking for smaller by any means lol, i coulda used another 4-6" of ergos in every direction on my 07 ec, it was still a bit too small for me.
i just want another 2 stroke trail bike, preferably a gasser. i may settle for an orange 300 if i have to, but unless its a 500 2t i dont really want to switch back to mainstream bikes.
i wouldnt buy another 4t unless it was at least a ktm 525.
The Pamp is good for non-aggressive casual trail riding. If you try and ride it like an EC you will destroy it. Its perfect for your wife or girlfriend following along on an easy trailride, and has plenty of torque so its easy for them to ride and light to handle. Any more than that look elsewhere. I burned up the entire rear caliper just doing some spirited riding with my kids, had to rebuild everything. The air filter(trials bike) is a joke for an off road bike as well.

Older ECs come up for sale cheap all the time, I'd go that route.
Mountain thumper,
I have a 2001 EC200 for sale up here in Canada. $2500CDN which includes a whole bunch of spare parts and stuff. Let me know if it interests you.
i did look at huskys when i first purchased. but the motor on the ec hooked me. and the huskys are kinda pricey
speedy i think its too far away for me, i have 1600 saved up right this second just for another bike, but shipping and or traveling would be too much for me, plus i have no idea what it would take to get the ppers transfered.
im going to lok at the pamp monday, and if its too small for me hopefully talk my buddy( beginner, 5.6 135 lbs) to get it, he really wants a kdx220, but i think he really wants a gasser, hes too cautious to ride hard oenough to break anything!
im also looking at a couple older crs, both 98, ones a 250r the other is a 500r, as well as an 03 ktm 300 thats at a used car lot (that i dont like) for a reasonable price.
im thinking i should wait till xmas again and find another ec.
anyone in idaho know of an ec for sale, im around the mt idaho border weekly so thats not too far for me!
I ran into something yesterday that may interest you. A good friend of mine who I rode with for years no longer rides due to a few bad discs in his neck. He has a '99 KTM 300 EXC that hasn't been ridden since '03. I personally rebuilt the top end in '02 and it probably has 20 hrs. tops on it. Its been revalved and resprung for a 185 lb B rider in rocky terrain. Has the WP 50mm extreme forks. Has all guards. We would have to clean it up and clean the carb and get it running, but its a basically solid bike.

I think he'd take $1500 for it and may have some spares. Not sure if he want to bother with shipping but I'll ask. Not a GG, but for trail riding on the cheap its a lot more bike than a Pampera.
shipping is definately a problem for me, i live in montana, which puts the cost around 2100ish, which just makes it easier (and cheaper) to buy local. im guessing its in jersey or thereabouts?