My Stomping ground


Active member
I have had some questions regarding the description i have attached to my location, so thought i would post a few pics of a v v v small area of the riding area we have available to us in this little kingdom of Swaziland:







At the top of Killer Hill This climb starts at way down there and goes up and up and up with rocks and more rocks! GG was the only bike that did not boil!!
Who does the land belong to? and what, if any, hurdles do you need to jump to ride there.
I always wondered about the freedom of riding you SA's get, especially watching races like the Roof.

PS, looks like the interesting parts of the rides I do here in NZ, without the bush though :rolleyes:
some of the land in the photos, belongs to my grandmother, but in general where i live about 80% of the land is Nation Land, which basically means that it is owned by the king and managed by a Chief (it is still very much a feudal system here).

So long as you show respect and do not go riding through fields or grave sites or roost the locals there are no issues with riding there. Also with a lot of people living rurally with their cattle there are a lot of nice paths to follow.

I live on the edge of town so basically ride from home! Only issue to worry about is running out of gas
I can see why. That really is a beautiful area, riding and otherwise. There are so many places that most people have never seen, yet we have pre-conceived ideas about the area. Where I grew up (in Iowa) was in an area dominated by the Des Moines River and Mississippi River. A lot of hills, not anything what you would expect. Do you see much wild life on your rides or mostly domesticated animals?

What a beautiful landscape, and some great photos too - this one is sure to reignite the sharkfin debate! You've got almost everything else covered - can you tell us why you left the rear disk exposed?

* Some of us are blessed with tree roots instead of rocks so the discussion is more intellectual than practical. * ;)
Every now and again we see the odd monkey, buck or snake, but generally I think we make too much noise and scare them off. BUT once a year I get to sweep an extreme mtn bike race held in a game reserve and you cannot imagine how nice it is riding through herds of impala and zebra :-)

With regards to the rear disk guard the main reason for not having one is that I could not find one locally, but sawing that, I find it is pretty well tucked out of the way but I will prob fit one for the Roof at the end of the year

I have been asked to keep a riders blog for a friend of mine so will be posting more reports here as well