need to lean out bottem end


New member
right my old china's

my bike when I give it a boot full it burbles a lot, while doing slow lane riding. and when I open her up it burbles for say 1st 2nd gear then clears up and off she goes. if im on the throttle I don't get it, only after cursing (light throttle work) its like opening the throttle when its cold.
at the mo my bikes round my friends ready for a trip out sunday, so I cant even say what the settings are.
could I maybe sort it out a bit by raising the needle or leaning off the mixture screw.
ive been riding like this since I bought the bike and just put up with it

any tips
Finding your baseline would be a good start. An 03 if it has a lot of hrs could have also worn the nozzle a bit which will throw everything out.
Fresh piston . The reeds can't be more than a year old. The last owner did rejet , just don't have access to my bike at the mo
moved the clip in to pos 2 its cleaned the bottom end up loads. there's not much burbling and the spooge has pretty much stopped
im going to down size the pj, and that should sort things out