Needle tapers???


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I'm having a slight jetting issue on the 05 250. I am running at 5/7000 feet this time of year, ltr needle, 170 main, 40 pilot. Issue is at aprox 1/4-1/3 throttle on longish pulls like tech uphills i get a loading up sputter, i think i need a needle with more tapper in the upper sections as the bike carburates perfectly everywhere else. Without purchasing a box of differant needles what would be a more agressive tappered needle??

I can't say for sure as I have never jetted for that altitude, but its a reasonable place to start. A lot of guys love the CCK in the 300. I tried it in both my bike and a Husky WR250 with a Keihin PWK38 (that likes the same jetting as my GG) and felt it was a hair lean and flat at 0 - 1000' in both bikes. Since you need to be leaner than me it might do the trick. My bike LOVES the JD Blue needle, the Red is a bit lean as well for sea level. This is all based on a #7 slide, you do have a #7, correct?

Yes i run a #7 slide. I ordered a cck and will measure it comaired to the LTR. I did not have the issue last year or the years before with the same jetting, I did a head mod this summer but seems odd that would have this effect on the bike, but that's all i changed and all other components (power valve ect) are ok. I'm going to slip the cck in my 300 after break in also. I'll let you know the difference in measurements when i get the cck needles.

Head mod will give a more efficient burn so yes its possible that the bike may want to be a bit leaner. Also, your nozzle wears slowely as the bike gets more hours on it.
Curtis, I live in Driggs and ride mostly above 6000ft. I use a CEK in my 05' 300(#7 slide). I did have the head mod and carb mod done. The LTR needle never worked well for me before or after the afore mentioned mods. I think the 'Keihin' website has a good visual chart that will help the needle tapers and nomenclature