New 2013 coming(?) Keep my old RB-modded carb?


New member
I have a 2005 EC250 with an RB-Designs-modded AS-1.

The new 2012/13 bike will come with whatever carb they happen to have in their parts bin. Some have gotten the AS2, others the AS1.

Since I have a nice, already-modded AS1, I'm toying with the idea of using it in the new bike.

If it was my bike it would get the modded carb.
If you dont keep it you will end up sending your new carb out to be modded because you know how much better it makes the bike run lol.
AS I is easier to get the slide out with the screw off top, AS II is easier to get the pilot out with both under the bowl drain. Take your pick.

I just jetted my '12 250 AS I with JD Blue #3, 42 pilot, 180 main, air screw 1.5 turns out, stock #7 slide. Did a short ride on a small section of trail in the neighborhood. Bike rips, it needs a flywheel weight now.:D