I have both a red sticker and green sticker bikes. I rode my red sticker more this summer than I ever have. Of course it was closed course racing, but never the less.
The whole red sticker / green sticker issue during the summer isn't really a player in my book up here in Northern CA. Southern CA, little bit of a different story. During the summer Kennedy Meadows, Big Bear area is open, pretty much anything above 3000 or 3,500 ft is open from what I understand. We ride red sticker bikes up hear during the summer.
Now heading down to Baja....is another entire world, which is where we headed to ride along the cost during the summer months.
If you are hell bent of riding during the summer and want a green sticker bike, then find a 02 or 03 and then your good to go!
Didn't mean to hijack thread.