New Guy in NY


New member
Just a quick post to say hello to the Gas Gas forum members out there.
I have had my 2010 EC300 for about two months now and this forum has been a great resource (along with GoFasters) to help get (and keep) me going.
First year in the woods, and limited 2 stroke experience before this year (mom was an ER nurse growing up, so motorized vehicles were just not allowed :mad:). Had a few street bikes since moving out of mom's house, so not new to motorcycles.

All grown up now and the wife says to me, "hey, you should get your son (12 years old) a dirt bike and teach him to ride this summer..." Of course, that means I need one to chase him around on (bonus).... along comes the ubiquitous CR125...

Son masters the JR80, clutch and all in no time flat, and he and I proceed to destroy my 1/2 acre yard and piss off all my neighbors.... so we figure, we better find somewhere bigger to ride...and fast!

Enter Jim (my son's hockey coach). Jim learns I have a new bike, and he drags us up to the woods with him and his crew (all KTM heads, all B level riders or better) to punish me and my poor little 125. Oh yeah, I'm still trying to teach my son how to ride... now in the woods... CATRA for those of you that know it.... Not necessarily the best beginner territory, especially following much more advanced riders. :eek:

Long story short, as sweet as the CR125 was, it had no business in the woods... so off I went in search of an orange bike (at my friends insistence)... looked at a lot of older, whooped bikes in my price range, then almost pulled the trigger on a new one... decided to wait unitl the 2013s came out... then came across the GasGas on craigslist. Turns out I know the guy selling it, it's local, and it's in my price range. Next day, done deal, its in my garage.

Since then, things have been moving pretty fast (often too fast, that 300 comes to life way too quick!!!!). I've bought some parts (ok, a lot of parts), more protective gear (trees and rocks hurt more with age :( ), trying to get things dialed in (more parts, jets and needles from Mark yesterday), and I'd say I'm progressing pretty quick. I can keep up with the vet riders now (and they all have e-start, the bastards)... Biggest challenge for me is standing up more and mastering rocky hill climbs. I grew up riding / racing BMX and MTB so a lot of those skills translate, however picking up my 25 pound bike after a fall is vastly different than my 270 pound GG! Who needs the gym?!?!!

I hope to get enough seat time to race a turkey run or hare scramble before the season is over. Would also like to get out and check out some different riding areas / terrain.

Oh yeah, my son likes riding (which was the whole point of this, remember?!), but doesn't like the hard, technical stuff (yet). He'd much rather just do hot laps in my yard and tear it up. :rolleyes:
Congrats and welcome to the site. I had a 2010 GG 300 and it was a great bike and I know what you mean about the power. Enjoy!
Congrats!! and a key part to buy is the G2 throttle with the 3 different cams.. You can pic how yo want the throttle to come on.. its like cheating.. makes the throttle so much nicer in the rocks!!
Welcome to the forums. Funny, there used to be a member here from your town that was also a CATRA member, moved out west I beleive. CATRA is tough like New England, PA or where I live. I had the same issue with my kids, there are no easy trails here, so it was tough when they were starting out and we had to go elsewhere. PeeWee/Youth harescrambles is great for the kids as the courses are of appropriate difficulty.
I know whos' bike you bought. I went trail riding with Nick M up in Vt last Sunday and he mentioned that he sold his bike to someone local that he knew. I too am a CATRA member, and ride up there often. It's funny, I usually bring my cr 125 up there for practice and use my xc250 for HS races. It's not really a Novice friendly riding area with all of the technical single track trails.