no power


New member
Hello,I own a EC300 2010.The problem with this bike is when I go for a technical hill climb the bike has no power at low rpm in the 2de gear and have to use the clutch to get it to higher rpm but then the bikes get out of control.Is this a jetting problem or is the cause something else.Allready put on the ltr jetting ande the high volume cover.Can I get some help.

Greetings from a Belgium GG driver
hah, this is almost exactly the same issue i am having with my 200. i think it's lean pilot jet/wrong needle taper. we shall see.
i had a very similar situation with my 06 ec300.
on steep hills, there was a tremendous loss of power.
in a nutshell, the bike was running too rich.
i believe that when the power valve opened it made things worse.
i changed the mains and that helped alot.
i put in the jetting 'kit' and it helped too.
so, i would guess that you are too rich.
try smaller mains, and/or raising the clip on the needle [aka lowering the needle].
i also run 50 to 1 with synthetic 2 stroke oil.
no issues now. but it was definetely just too much fuel.
hope this helps.
To get rid of the low-mid "hit" - try a CCK needle from

Something like $10, much easier to control, especially if you have the
smaller flywheel ignition. Gets rid of the idle to mid lean area of the stocker.

And- I like to remove the shims under the powervalve. Counter-intuitive,
but the power valve opens sooner and then it has more low end sooner,
and makes it "better" IMHO. :eek:
my pilot jet was too lean. a richer pilot jet and lowering the needle solved this problem. this may or may not work for you...but i would look into the pilot circuit..