Norwegian winter meeting (low GG content)


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Yesterday, I arranged a meeting in my neighbourhood, Kongsberg (Norway).
We call it "Rally Knuten", as the idea is to ride up a narrow, twisty road to the mountain "Knuten". We start at approx 150m above sea level and end up at 730m. It is not a race as such, as we aim for a fixed time (9 + 5 minutes for the two parts of the road). If miss your time, you get penalty points. You also get penalty points if your bike is newer than 1940. Naturally, most bikes are a lot newer that this, so all get some points. There are bikes with and without studded tires. The overall winner this year rode a 1937 BSA M21! He did not use studded tires.
The temperature at the start was -18C
As we ride on public roads, we do this in the evening, as the darkness makes us more visible to anyone driving down from the mountain.

Out of 55 bikes this year was only one Gasgas present (my EC200, ridden by our son).

A lot more pictures can be found here:
Nice! Living on Nesoya at the moment but will be moving to Asker in May, will be bringing my bike over then, is there much riding other than track riding here in Norway?
Nice! Living on Nesoya at the moment but will be moving to Asker in May, will be bringing my bike over then, is there much riding other than track riding here in Norway?

I'm afraid not. At least not legally :(
As you might be aware of, we have the law "loven om motorferdsel i utmark" (translated to something like "the law about motor vehicles in the wilderness") that states that all use of motor vehicles are prohibited outside the roads.

There are some enduro races coming up, the first one being only 4 km from my home at February 2nd.

I am among the organizers and also one of the participants. I will be on the start grid with my two sons. We all ride Gasgas. My daughter is also talking about participating on her RM125.

The map is here. This is only one hour drive from Nesoya. You are very welcome to come and have a look and a chat.
I have #611 and can be easily spotted as one of the slowest in the race :o If you don't find me, just ask one of the others wearing a yellow west.

The race is described at the home page of my local club here. Only in Norwegian I'm afraid, but I presume you have someone available to translate it.
Images from the first Norwegian enduro this winter. In my neck of the woods, so I was both one of the organizers and racing the veterans class (50+).
Approx 140 on the start grid in the big motorcycle race, and a lot of kids and ATVs in other races. A total of more than 250 participants from 5 to 60+ years.

Some Gasgas entries, but not a lot. The yellow one (611) is myself, white/black sixdays 300 (427) is my son. My other two kids are 815 and 452, both on RM125.