NOZH needle


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I could use a little help getting my 12 200 jetting where I want it. Stock needle is NOZH i need to know what needle is half a clip leaner. I just got my tool kit and it has a CHN needle not sure how they compare?
The CHN is the Euro emissions compliant needle, toss it. I think an N1EH should be a half clip leaner than an NOZH. Sorry I have no specific 200 experience. Curious, what carb came on the bike? What slide?
Good I need one more useless needle I'll put it with the other 50. It came with 38 ASI #7 slide. Jetting is so close, can't wait for sandy lane.
Yeah I figured that you got the older carb, probably 2K-2 ignition too which is good on a 200. My buddy picked up his '12 250 leftover today, same setup as yours and mine.

I'm focusing on hare scrambles this year but might be there too. I'll be at the first HS March 3. I may have that N1EH needle, will check tomorrow.
Note that N1EH is half a clip richer.

There is no needle half a clip leaner than NOZx#1. Also be aware that lifting the needle enough to clean up the bottom end usually comes at the expense of losing good power through the midrange.
OK, I wasn't sure richer/leaner. Still should be able to get the same result as long as the NOZH is not in #5.


Look in the jetting database for setups on the 200. If you have the notched #7 slide rarther than the non-notched slide, one richer on the pilot seems to work better for max torque, at least in the 250.
Right on! Should give the adjustability as required as long as you're not at the end of the needle already and trying to go leaner. Very interested to see what you end up with in the end.
Thanks for the help, I don't think the n1eh will help it's at clip 1-top now. I found my notes for my 07 ktm 200 guess what had the same issue, it had a nozh needle also. I went to nozi clip 3 with shim same pilot and main setting as I have in the gasgas now, it was spot on for me. I will try that.
Good luck hamilton. Just FYI, the NOZI and NOZH are the same needle essentially with exception to the diameter of the straight section, which happens to be really short on these needles. Really, less than 1/8th throttle will be leaned up a bit, but the rest will stay the same clip for clip.

Almost everyone with 250/300's have ditched the stock N1EF needle for either the JD needle of their preference, the Suzuki needles (NExx) of their preference, or the Yamaha/KTM (N3xx). The 200 will probably want a bit more fuel than the 300s though so you may get positive results with the taper profile you are using. Maybe not.

On the topic, best to specify which model carb you have (AS1/2) and size (36mm/38mm), and then set the float level to spec or fuel level a touch lower than spec, before you get too lost in the jets. Pulling the squish clearance down from stock will also simplify the process a whole lot!
He has the AS1 with a #7 slide. He is also near me so I know the conditions, fuel, etc. I'd tend to think that bike would want richer jetting than my 250 and certainly a 300. The Suzuki needles would be way too lean and a waste of time, 200s don't have any power to spare off the bottom. Maybe with a richer slide they could be viable. I think the JD Blue would work, I know even the DDKs got decent results. You don't want to be too lean on jetting, as the first enduro is in March(cold), on a sand course (usually wet/tacky), and winter blend fuel is still in effect.

I'll bet all the '12 250s and 200s are the same, as they were built later after the 300s. We are setting up my buddys '12 250 the same as mine, JD Blue needle from his KTM. He's lucky, no learning curve.