so i finally got to take my new 18 EC 300 out on some flowing double track yesterday and have a blast! up until this point i had only ridden tight woods were i was making new single track and waiting for things to dry up and the trails to open.
The bike ran great but i do have some setup to do as i got a lot of head shake at higher speeds and lots of deflection in rock gardens. I am 6 foot 180 lbs and before this ride i set the front compression to 8 clicks in from full soft and the rear suspension 8 clicks from full hard (assuming all the way in is full hard?). I don't believe this to be a bike issue but more of a suspension setup issue.
So this weekend i will be checking the head stock bearing tightness, setting sag, and possibly making sure the wheel is true (all the spokes were loose at about 5 hrs and i am wondering if i over tightened one side). Also on the list will be to turn up the PV to see if i get a little quicker hit off the bottom.
all in all i love this bike and i cant wait to get it dialed in and rip my first hare scramble!
ohh ya, and nothing happened with out a picture right?! here's the GG taking a break at the sheeeteerr and looking at a tasty hiking trail that would be single track heaven... if it were allowed
The bike ran great but i do have some setup to do as i got a lot of head shake at higher speeds and lots of deflection in rock gardens. I am 6 foot 180 lbs and before this ride i set the front compression to 8 clicks in from full soft and the rear suspension 8 clicks from full hard (assuming all the way in is full hard?). I don't believe this to be a bike issue but more of a suspension setup issue.
So this weekend i will be checking the head stock bearing tightness, setting sag, and possibly making sure the wheel is true (all the spokes were loose at about 5 hrs and i am wondering if i over tightened one side). Also on the list will be to turn up the PV to see if i get a little quicker hit off the bottom.
all in all i love this bike and i cant wait to get it dialed in and rip my first hare scramble!
ohh ya, and nothing happened with out a picture right?! here's the GG taking a break at the sheeeteerr and looking at a tasty hiking trail that would be single track heaven... if it were allowed