Orofino Endurocross Video


New member
On May 9th I went down to Orofino, Idaho for their annual endurocross. I had a blast, though I didn't qualify for the pro main event. I tangled with a guy in my heat race and went down, was last place by a straight away by the time I got going and could only catch 2 guys when I needed to catch 3. In the last chance qualifier I was running 2nd and gaining on the leader when the guy in 3rd decided to take me out. Me pinned it into me on a rock section and I went flying off the bike. I got up and finished but couldn't catch the leaders.

I must say endurocross is a blast and I can't wait to do more of them in the future!

Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSe4IdhUtpI