Pay it foward 2003 ec250 project


Hey guys im back after a few years hiatus ( bought a yz250x) ive taken a neighborhood kid under my wing whos on a ktm250xcf 2009 its about on its last leg needa a ton of work been fixing it for him to ride and its srretching thin, anyway the kid just lost his father doesent have much so i decided to help him out a friend of mine had a 03 gasgas sitting for about 10 years we are gonna fix it up for him! Bike is pretty solid needs gone over has ohlins forks steering stablizer ltr work etc just thought i would post some photos of our progress i just brought the bike home last night if anyone has some spare parts we may need laying around let me know! This kid is a really good hearted kid who needs guidance and i think this bike will def help that!
Update: carb tore apart and cleaned gas tank cleaned new oil new fuel line fired up in about 20 kicks not bad for 10 years sitting! Gonna do a complete service on all bearings suspension etc


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Great work mate! Always a pleasure to hear there are still kind folk around. Yell out if you get stuck on any bits or pieces and I'm sure others will be able to help out where they can too.
Good on you, jt663. I'm sure you'll get a lot of pleasure in mentoring that young man. And, hopefully, help in keeping him on a good path in life.

Hey guys im back after a few years hiatus ( bought a yz250x) ive taken a neighborhood kid under my wing whos on a ktm250xcf 2009 its about on its last leg needa a ton of work been fixing it for him to ride and its srretching thin, anyway the kid just lost his father doesent have much so i decided to help him out a friend of mine had a 03 gasgas sitting for about 10 years we are gonna fix it up for him! Bike is pretty solid needs gone over has ohlins forks steering stablizer ltr work etc just thought i would post some photos of our progress i just brought the bike home last night if anyone has some spare parts we may need laying around let me know! This kid is a really good hearted kid who needs guidance and i think this bike will def help that!

Good stuff. Hoping you both get a lot out of the undertaking.
Most Excellent! BTW that looks like a very solid bike with some good parts as a foundation! What does it need?
Well as of now all i can see is suspensipn service front and rear, front brake master rebuild, new tubes and tires and all the bearings serviced its actually got some trick parts my buddy owned it since new and smiths powersports did all their race bike mods to it and ltr gppdies cyl head work ( rb i believe)
The carb has rb-designs work (with the divider plate). So I would think headwork is done by RB as well.

If you want to set up a gofundme account - I would pitch in a little towards this good cause...

Will look into the go fund me shouldnt be nessisary though! I appreciate everyone's kind words and comments installing new tires tomorrow and tubes the cat is out of the bag he was over thos evening and saw the bike he is beyond excited
Update got some new tires and tubes mounted over the weekend, my buddy the former owner did inform me that the last time the forks were serviced (ohlins 46mm) they reccomended him to purchase new ones as the forks could not be polished to not leak anymore. With that being said im looking for a set of 46mm jap forks what models work? Kyb or showa doesnt matter to me also wipl the gg front wheel work with other forks?
Is the bike in need of a rear disc guard? I have a Devol product that bolts to the tabs and worked well on my '03.
Update: got the 46mm works ohlins on the bike , the boy came into some money and purchased a mint 2009 ec300 so this bike will be for sale soon im just waiting on fork guards to come in the mail here is a recent photo the garage is packed!! Also here is the 300 he got super happy for him he is in good shape now


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