Pickles/pickle juice


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If anyone has cramps after a long day of riding.
Try eating a pickle or drinking some pickle juice.

I have tried this several times and it works within 40 seconds.
Whats the magic ingredient in it? Can it be picked anything? or does it have to be a cucumber?
From the article " . . . causing a muscle in the big toe to cramp. (The procedure causes some discomfort, making it too painful to use on larger muscles, like the hamstrings or the quadriceps.) The volunteers were told to relax and let the cramps run their course. The average duration of the cramps was about two and a half minutes."

Observation 1: Cramps cause a metric shit ton of discomfort. I frequently have the muscle group of the inner thigh cramp on both sides of the legs after a ride.

Observation 2: I wish my cramps only lasted 2.5 minutes.

Observation 3: I have been using pickle juice for a while and it works. I just used pickle juice today to break an episode of cramps. The cramps were so bad that I had to have my 10 year-old get the pickle juice. I couldn't walk. The next time I have cramps I am going to try to capture it on the gopro.
Like cramping action! I've been fortunate enough that I don't really get them. Post ride and a few bevs later I'll get a quick one in the arch of my left foot if I hold it a certain way. Never lasts more than a few seconds. Touch wood.
Observation 1: Cramps cause a metric shit ton of discomfort. I frequently have the muscle group of the inner thigh cramp on both sides of the legs after a ride.

Observation 2: I wish my cramps only lasted 2.5 minutes.

Observation 3: The cramps were so bad that I had to have my 10 year-old get the pickle juice. I couldn't walk.

Same here. On the drive home from a race I'll stop at a store and when I go to get out the cramp(s) start and then I'm on the ground writhing in pain. I've had strangers ask if they can help but all I can do is chuckle a bit and say, "No. Just muscle cramps. Thanks anyway." If a hottie offers some day then I may let her try to massage it out for me. :D
Prevention, for me anyway, is by getting in better condition. Having a good supply of potassium in you also helps.
I love me some pickle juice, Any body try Cytomax? I gave this a try at the last enduro, felt great afterwords. Not so sure about the long term usage
Week before last, we had a free ride day at one of the local hare scramble course.

I was beat to a pulp.
When I got home, as I was getting out the truck I made a wrong move and my right leg started cramping bad. I could not even stand on it.
Made a bee line to the fridge and grabbed a pickle and scarfed it down.
Before I could make it to the back door, the cramps were gone!

They said that mustard works also. Maybe the vinegar that does the job.
I also get cramps. I started dissolving a little sea salt under my tongue during long rides several times and especially if I feel a cramp starting. A piece of sea salt is much larger than regular table salt. Put in zip lock bag and store in zipper part of camel back. Also drink water and stay hydrated. I have tried all kinds of stuff to prevent cramps and this is the best I have found.
ISDE hero Dwight Rudder has preached the wonders of pickle juice for years. I've never tried it...but there must be something to it. My guess is, drinking pickle juice is more painful than the cramp :D
Coconut water

I used to load up my camel back with Gatorade or some other sports drink, but I still got cramps usually at the worst possible time when I was in a technical spot requiring all my attention. The coconut water has cut down on those situations of panic and especially post ride when I'm driving home and both legs would cramp up on the freeway (not good) and at night.
During WWII medics used coconut water as blood plasma when they ran out of blood in the South Pacific.
Two things at play contributing to cramping. Dehydration and electrolyte depletion. The muscles switch to an "on" condition and can't shut off. Pickle juice contains lots of salt which is composed of two necessary electolytes; sodium and chloride (NaCl). Drinking the pickle juice will help. But, it does not contain other necessary electolytes; magnesium and potassium. Also, loading with salt causes hypertension and other health issues as well as ironically, dehydration. So, balance. Hydrate every day. Supplement day of event with logical amounts of electrolytes and water.
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This is a subject that unfortunately I know a lot about since I have a mild form of Multiple Scorosis . I have real bad pain sometimes in my legs after I get done riding . I Never go on a long ride without my pickle juice and heat pads also . When it gets the worst for me is when I get home, even after drinking pickle juice . That is when I have to get under a hot shower that gets rid of the cramps most of the time . For me the leg muscle that have cramped up can be sore for up to a week . One thing that is strange to me is if I ride my enduro bike for 6 hours , compared to 6 hours on my trials bike I get worse cramping on the enduro bike ? So this just seems strange to me since the enduro bike has a seat ? But the pain is worth the pleasure for sure !:cool:
This is a subject that unfortunately I know a lot about since I have a mild form of Multiple Scorosis . I have real bad pain sometimes in my legs after I get done riding . I Never go on a long ride without my pickle juice and heat pads also . When it gets the worst for me is when I get home, even after drinking pickle juice . That is when I have to get under a hot shower that gets rid of the cramps most of the time . For me the leg muscle that have cramped up can be sore for up to a week . One thing that is strange to me is if I ride my enduro bike for 6 hours , compared to 6 hours on my trials bike I get worse cramping on the enduro bike ? So this just seems strange to me since the enduro bike has a seat ? But the pain is worth the pleasure for sure !:cool:

Is it more in your right leg than with the left?