pop and bang and noisy pv


New member
hi Ive got me old girl running at last, i rode it the other day making sure my box was free from contamination. to day i removed the plug and found it was running lean (plug was grey) so Ive lowered the clip one notch the bike is running well may just need to tweak the A/S slightly but on over run its popping light a tuned car and i think my pv seams to clunk a bit, Ive never had a bike do this, i have been using 95 ron not 98 to calm it down slightly

rm needle pos 4
a/s 1 1/2 turns

any thought before i go back and tweak some more.

thanks grant
hi Ive got me old girl running at last, i rode it the other day making sure my box was free from contamination. to day i removed the plug and found it was running lean (plug was grey) so Ive lowered the clip one notch the bike is running well may just need to tweak the A/S slightly but on over run its popping light a tuned car and i think my pv seams to clunk a bit, Ive never had a bike do this, i have been using 95 ron not 98 to calm it down slightly

rm needle pos 4
a/s 1 1/2 turns

any thought before i go back and tweak some more.

thanks grant

what jets are you running ..sounds as if its too lean its knocking/pinking

is your ignition set up right?

have you taken off the PV cover see if the adjuster on the actuator rod is lose.

just some thoughts
just going to back track a bit, with the jetting its using the bike went like stink, i had to replace the crank bearings so all was stripped down since the rebuild its only started doing this.
today i checked the stater was in its correct position all seems good and the locator spacer has a T facing out wards.
i removed the plug again now its a bit sooty, so i think im going to take it out for a ride and set it up correctly. i checked the spark and it was not blue but a orangish color i put a old plug i had knocking about and it was blue, would i be correct in saying the plug has seen better days

ec 300 2003
just going to back track a bit, with the jetting its using the bike went like stink, i had to replace the crank bearings so all was stripped down since the rebuild its only started doing this.
today i checked the stater was in its correct position all seems good and the locator spacer has a T facing out wards.
i removed the plug again now its a bit sooty, so i think im going to take it out for a ride and set it up correctly. i checked the spark and it was not blue but a orangish color i put a old plug i had knocking about and it was blue, would i be correct in saying the plug has seen better days

ec 300 2003

Im no expert grant, I just love 2 strokes.
I think that this is a case of trial and error, for the ?6-7 quid for a new plug just buy a new one I managed to win 2 iridium ones that I won off ebay for 4 quid posted.

so you have checked your ignition...check your coil as these break down over long periods of time

Have you completely stripped your carb and cleaned it thoroughly?
taken out the jets and noted the jet sizes and needle position.
I take it the air mixture screw is turned out 1 1/2 turns out.

hmm this is a head scratcher .... bluey/grey suggests too lean - sooty indicates too rich.

I would recommend you talk to jakobi regarding the jetting cos he seems to have a good knowledge of it
Im no expert grant, I just love 2 strokes.
I think that this is a case of trial and error, for the ?6-7 quid for a new plug just buy a new one I managed to win 2 iridium ones that I won off ebay for 4 quid posted.

so you have checked your ignition...check your coil as these break down over long periods of time

Have you completely stripped your carb and cleaned it thoroughly?
taken out the jets and noted the jet sizes and needle position.
I take it the air mixture screw is turned out 1 1/2 turns out.

hmm this is a head scratcher .... bluey/grey suggests too lean - sooty indicates too rich.

I would recommend you talk to jakobi regarding the jetting cos he seems to have a good knowledge of it

I think he was talking about the spark being blue/orange when firing the bike against an earth.. Thats how I interpreted it. I agree for the price of a new plug throw it in and test it.

The bike ran well before the rebuild so the jetting can't be far off. The stator is in the correct position so thats a win. You have fuel and spark. When you rebuilt it how was the top end? Did you put a new one in? Reeds ok? What was the previous gasket stack, squish and ring end gap? Did you change the port timing/compression?

You still never addressed the jets question re pilot and main. I'd probably start with a fresh plug and a big fat main jet and then dial it back down. If you removed from the gasket stack and increased compression, along with the increase gained simply by having a good ring seal, your bike might be looking for just a bit more fuel up top.

As suggested, trial and error. 1 thing at a time noting the effect it has.
Hi right got the set up for you

jet needle NED W, clip setting 3 (lean)now 4 and sooted up
slow jet 38
main jet 178
slide 6
A/S 1 1/2 (lean), now 1 3/4 still waiting to test
Ive cleaned the carb when i built the engine the reeds are the pro race carbon reeds with a fmf fatty and a power core 2 silencer all is new and good condition
the barrel and piston looks OK the rings are well with in tolerance.

I'm getting a plug tomorrow,
other stuff Ive done Ive wired the rev gauge to the pos and neg of the coil for the trail tech. i did a stupid thing i washed the bike and the HT cap was off hope this did not cause this problem.

thanks grant
Hi right got the set up for you

jet needle NED W, clip setting 3 (lean)now 4 and sooted up
slow jet 38
main jet 178
slide 6
A/S 1 1/2 (lean), now 1 3/4 still waiting to test
Ive cleaned the carb when i built the engine the reeds are the pro race carbon reeds with a fmf fatty and a power core 2 silencer all is new and good condition
the barrel and piston looks OK the rings are well with in tolerance.

I'm getting a plug tomorrow,
other stuff Ive done Ive wired the rev gauge to the pos and neg of the coil for the trail tech. i did a stupid thing i washed the bike and the HT cap was off hope this did not cause this problem.

thanks grant

Well you deffo need a new fuel hose thats a fact and it isn't going to hurt to put an inline filter there for good measure, then thats ticked off the list.

Maybe the plug HT cap had a bit of water in it but who knows what effect this did or didnt have.

In regards to the jetting it might be worth the hop up on the pilot to 42 to see whether this has a good/bad effect on the low/mid range fuel circuit

Im going to go for the 42 pilot and a 178 main jet,it's std at the minute with 38 pilot and 160 main

then its a case of playing with the settings on the needle a/s etc
will give it a go, going out Sunday so can have a play
will try and get a jet but douwt i will before the ride.

Ive had no work done on the ports and the gasket is the middle thickness soz not sure on that but replaced exactly what come of.
im going to start using the hight octain feul again PB or shell optimax rather than crappy super market fuel

thanks for the advice :)