Power Now


New member
Anyone out there using the Power Now system on their carb? Opinions about performance gains, compatibility, etc??

05' EC300
I think you want to consider the carb mods by RB-Designs instead. Reason being is that, along with installing a "blade" on the intake side of the carb, he makes modifications to further enhance the sensitivity of the idle/pilot circuit on the carb.

Thx for the reply. Could you elaborate or add some detail. Not sure what you mean when you say "enhance the sensitivity of the idle/pilot circuit on the carb". Sorry...NEWBIE here! :-)
In stock form, the carb's circuits aren't seperated as they should be - with idle screw working bottom, needle working middle, etc.

He didn't give me any details on what exactly he does to the carb - it is his 'secret sauce'.

Ron relayed to me that his carb mods give you have finer adjustment on the air screw - an 1/8 to 1/4 turn on the air screw does more. This also means that there is more (better) seperation of the carb circuits (less pullover from the needle).

BTW - I believe Eric Kangas has used the power now - I don't believe he was impressed. Providing a seperating blade on the filter side of the carb does little.

Ron @ RB-Designs sponsors the forum here and I am sure he can provide a more detailed (and accurate) picture for you...

I have used the PowerNow on my '01 XC300. It did not provide a big improvement. I no longer use it.

RB designs does a carb mod package that includes a divider plate on the downstream of the slide and other mods. Contact Ron at RB designs for details.

Also, for about the same amount of money you would spend on a PowerNow, you will get a much bigger benefit from getting the head squish band modified by RB Designs. This modification is one of the best improvements to the GasGas 2T and well worth the money. I have had it done on both of my GasGas motorcycles. The low end performance is notably better. It pulls stronger and smoother off the bottom. It also provides better fuel economy since it improves combustion efficiency.

RB Designs does excellent work.
It's just a shame he doesn't ship outside the US as I would have sent my head over to him by now.

Heard some bad rumours - Stan was the man, now his son runs it and there were some rumours the quality wasn't there anymore. Hate to hand my head over and have it trashed. I'm sure it's a simple job just be good for someone else to lead the way, get their done first and report back.

When I come to a ford I always let others go first too :rolleyes:
To be honest I'd rather fork out the dosh to have it shipped both ways to the US and have it done by rb designs as he's been doing it since god knows when.