Powercdi and smart carb tps


Hi all, I'm about to lay down some cash for a smart carb and saw they are weeks away from releasing their new carb with throttle position sensors.. So after finding out a bit more about it, to get the most out of the new carb I would have to upgrade the cdi to this http://www.powercdi.com/en.html
Or something similar. Now this is not a cheap add on by any means but after reading about it I feel like it would make a huge difference to my 300 in terms of making it a lot less tiring to ride and just a lot more forgiving..
So I'm just wondering if anyone had any experience with the power cdi on other bikes and if those with more knowledge of this mod than me could lend me there opinion..
Geez Louise, how much?!
So yeah, a lot of words and much marketing jumbo. Why do you need this again? An ignitech has most of the features for 1/3 the cost but even then why bother on a dirt bike?
The other clever stuff they claim seems to be hard to achieve without additional wheel sensors. Haven't yet seem what they mean by Telemetry, like GPS connectivity? Seems flakey.

I'd spend money on the forks and carb tuning to make it less tiring.

Are you trying to lessen power ? If so, richen up the carb and change your gearing . Cheaper alternatives
The (3) keys to making a 300 super easy to ride are carburation, gearing, and throttle control. The carb is easily fixed by replacing the needle with a suzuki NE series needle - that will allow the bike to run clean from idle so roll on power is clean, strong, and controllable. Cost is only $15-$20. Throttle control can be made much easier with a "slow turn" throttle. G2 makes a good unit but it's pricey (around $100 or more) but it comes with multiple throttle cams the one you want is #400. Last but just as important is gearing. On a 300 it's easier to ride if you gear it low and ride a gear high. I like 13/50 on a 300 gasser - 1st gear should be rarely used (it's there for towing broken KTMs up hills)
Thanks all for the input. Think I'm gonna go with the smart carb and leave it at that. I really want it for the altitude compensation and the internal venting. Hopefully it will mean no more spilt fuel in the toy hauler. I might give that throttle cam a go too.
Thanks again
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Thanks all for the input. Think I'm gonna go with the smart carb and leave it at that. I really want it for the altitude compensation and the internal venting. Hopefully it will mean no more spilt fuel in the toy hauler. I might give that throttle cam a go too.
Thanks again

I've had one for 2 full seasons & these are some things I like about the Smart Carb-

No more fuel dumping out an overflow line. Used to be a problem having fuel dumped in the bed of my pickup, or in someones trailer. I can't be bothered, nor can remember to turn the fuel off during transit.
No more fiddling with jetting. I ride in temps from below zero celcius to above 30 celcius. It's nice knowing the jetting is always right.
Much better fuel econ.
Very simple adjustment, not that you need to. Once it's setup, it's pretty much good to go. However there is sometimes some tweaks to made during the carb break-in process. On the rare occasion that a tweak might be needed- no tools req'd!!!