Promote our brand!! Set goals and get more gas gas riders!!!


New member
Well being I am commited to Gas Gas this year (I have had around 5 of them or so) I must say EVERYONE try to promote this brand and get more people to recgonize the brand and most of all more GAS GAS riders. Look at the sweet spanish machine!! There is simply no reason there should be so much ORANGE junk at the races!!!! Because of me when I was riding my 05 200, there are 2 more Gas Gas riders, and they still continue to ride Gas Gas with one on a 05 250 and one on and 11 Six Day. My goal this year will be to get at least 1 and maybe 2!!(lofty goal) We need everyone to team up and do the same thing!!! Simply riding the bike is NOT enough. Promote talk it up if it is the TRUTH!! This brand needs to grow and has a very good product with high quality componets and simply put the best dam looking dirtbike on the planet!! Yes it weighs more then a KTM! Look at the two bikes the KTM is made like junk and in my opinion is JUNK. Husqvarna simply refuses to look for a market niche in the 2 stroke market. Gas Gas cooperates and listens to the public and what they want and need!! My point is lets all set a goal this year of getting at least one new rider to purchase and ride a Gasser!!! Now if the magizines were not so jacked up on Orange juice that would help to. Gas Gas needs MUCH MUCH more positive magizine coverage as ALOT of people some smart and some not simply think to much about what magizines say. Well hey write me a check give me a pratice bike and I will talk great about Orange (NOT!!!) I look forward to next year and hope to see more Gas Gas riders! Lets all do our part!
I wish the best for GasGas. I hope they get to sell more. I've had my 300 for 9 years/25K+ miles and I plan to replace it with another GG 300.
I wouldn't call KTM junk, though. They're damned good bikes. Plus, they've obviously got people working there that know how to sell and make money.
Junk is a little harsh:eek: We just choose to not follow the crowd.

Junk may seem a little harsh, but I am and ANTI KTM guy and have been so since long before they were supposed to go bankrupt around 1991. I have my reasons and will continue to be a KTM hater and that word is not allowed to be spoken in my house (No that is not a joke) a bashing aside if you crash a KTM in front of me at least I will use it for a jumping ramp........ The credit I give to KTM and their promoters is the fact they can take a bike that is inferior to a Husqvarna or a Gas Gas and turn a company around (Thru money , a_ _ kissing and ringer bikes. Yes we do not follow the crowd, but in order to help this brand continue and grow we all need to do our part and promote the bike!! It's OK if you are soft on a KTM, I do understand, there also has to be regular guys in the Army and Airborne Rangers for many different reasons. Any one still in business in this economy must be OK. Even the Orange junk.
Why don't you contact the factory and start with them?

I love my gasser and I tell everyone how much I love it. I whore it out when others want a go and no one really ever has anything bad to say about it.. I'd have bought another one last year, I was considering buying another one this year, but at the end of the day the brand can't deliver a finished product to this country in any reasonable time frame. Supply issues from parts providers put the factory behind, and our orders get pushed back. First we're told maybe November, then December. At this stage Feb/March on the R models. The EC200R is probably not even going to make it to Australia the second year running.

I have a mate who's got the coins ready to get an EC250R but has to wait till March to pay $11,500. He can get a 2013 KTM yesterday. He can get a Berg tomorrow. He can get a Husky for about 3 grand less. I'm hoping he'll wait it out and get the bike he wants, but won't for a second blame him if he gets the shits and buys another brand.

From what I see Clay suffered this kind of deal in 2011 and did what had to be done to make improvements. Much respect to him. How just waiting for the same to happen here.
It's funny to hear people say that riding a KTM is following the crowd. I remember racing MX in the 80's on a KTM and being the only one on one. Even with there weirdness over the years I always felt they were a superior mechanical machine to the Japanese bikes that were disposable after two years. I still feel that most European bikes are better than the Japanese machines but I haven't owned a rising sun bike in 17 years so it's hard to say.

Gas Gas to me seem like the KTM's I raced in the 80's, they have some issues with them (leaky fuel tank, split exhaust pipe on the weld seam) that you don't typically have with other bikes but motor build quality is higher than average and it's been stone reliable other than the issues mentioned. I would have no problem owning another orange bike, or a Sherco, Beta, or TM for that matter but they are really hard to find in the U.S.

While there are a whole lot of orange bikes at the harescramble races it is fun usually being the only Gas Gas out there and having people ask you about the bike. I lost track of how many people have told me how beautiful the bike is. :) I just wish my pipe wouldn't have split during the race, looks bad on the brand.. I still finished the race just at a louder decibel than I would have liked to. :(
Funny stories about the KTMs - I owned an '85 125MX and a 1995 250SX back in the day. They were like hen's teeth and I sure didn't have to worry about anybody else having a similar bike.

We promote the brand through this and other forums, a couple of interest articles in the AMA District newspaper every month, extensive demo riding, and a deal we call the PlusOnePerformance Holeshot Program. Basically if you buy a GasGas from us and then convince a buddy to do the same, YOU get cash to spend on YOUR bike.

I can't remember a single person who hasn't loved the bikes after riding them - awareness is growing, and riders are recognizing GasGas as a viable option.
Funny stories about the KTMs - I owned an '85 125MX and a 1995 250SX back in the day. They were like hen's teeth and I sure didn't have to worry about anybody else having a similar bike.

We promote the brand through this and other forums, a couple of interest articles in the AMA District newspaper every month, extensive demo riding, and a deal we call the PlusOnePerformance Holeshot Program. Basically if you buy a GasGas from us and then convince a buddy to do the same, YOU get cash to spend on YOUR bike.

I can't remember a single person who hasn't loved the bikes after riding them - awareness is growing, and riders are recognizing GasGas as a viable option.

Well said Steve! :D
The past few months alone, I've noticed a few older & newer Gassers showing up at trailheads. 6 months ago, I seemed to be "the lone ranger" in my neck of the woods. I literally became a GasGas enthusiast by accident. Since last May, I'm riding my 3rd one(still own 2 of them). It would seem here, the word is spreading. I want a new one, but haven't enough cash reserves, to buy outright. Someone commented to me a while back(orange owner)...He was of the opinion that Gasser owners aren't really about a quality bikes, just more exotic ones. I quietly replied..."He probably owns a KTM do to his friends owning KTMs, which makes his choice a fashion statement of sorts" I rode a KTM, because I got a decent starter bike for a measly $600. For the right price, I'd own another. Does that make me a bad person:D
Gassers are spreading a bit down where I am. Last year at our local Hare Scrambles there were none. This year, there are at least 4 including me, and my dad will probably get a leftover '13 at the end of this year.
Funny- I've been telling my buddies that I can't allow them to buy a new Gasser............I have to protect my advantage ;) LOL.