Proposing a Naches Gas Gas ride weekend.


Gold Level Site Supporter
I was asked by waycrazy ( Wade) If I could get some of my Gas Gas friends together for a ride in the Little Naches area of Washington.
However I would like to take this one further, how about a weekend in the area. I know the area well. It would be fine to come for the day also if thats all you can do. But I think I'm gonna camp out and make it a weekend and ride all the good stuff.

So here are the only open dates I have over the next 2 months. Let me know if your interested in some high mountain fun and on which of these dates you can join me.

July 30 & 31
Aug 6 & 7
Aug 20 & 21

Sweet I'll look at the calendar I can't wait for some mountains to ride in this year. Are you doing any weekend rides coming up?
Any of those dates are open for me! :D I think it would be great fun to sit around the campfire and Swap dirtbike stories !
Move the location to GP and I might be in.

Looks as if your out for this one then Paul.

You probably have rode everything on the Little Naches map..... I however guess you ain't rode everything.;) I will be hitting Gifford later in the year but it wont be a Gas Gas ride, just with a select few.
I can do any of those dates. Likely as a long day trip. Naches is still fun, particularly if Roscoe puts on the sort of ride we had at Belfair.
OK, so I'm planing to camp out and ride the weekend of July 30, 31 up at Little Naches in the lost meadow area. I should be arriving Friday after 6PM. I believe the ranger district has added a parking\ camping fee for each rig of $5 per day for this area also in 2011. A Northwest Forest Pass is not accepted at these sites, so make sure you bring the appropriate funds along.

Your more than welcome to join me for the weekend or a day. If your planing a day ride you will need to be at camp by 9AM. Don't expect me to be still at camp if your too late, cause I don't like wasting my day and others waiting around when we can be riding. ;) Give me a heads up on your plans.

If you need directions let me know.

I have a buddy that looks as if he will be coming coming out for the weekend also. Yeah he's a KTM guy. He is contemplating getting a Gas Gas 300 after riding my 2011 300E.

I may go out this weekend and check into some loops.From what I have been told snow drifts, down trees and bridges out are some of the obstacles still present as of last weekend.

Lost meadow is the area left off 1906 across from the gravel pit . Correct?
I plan on being there about 7-8am Saturday ready to ride! and will camp Sat. night.
Yes. Where the Dustdodgers stage their fathers day Poker run. I will put a couple paper plates up that read REVERUP and direction.

I went up yesterday and rode a 30 mile loop I like to do with some buddies. It only took us 5 hours to complete the loop. 2 Hours riding, 3 hours cutting trees with hand saws and stacking and making ramps over huge trees, hoisting our bikes over very large old growth trees, and a couple wrenching episodes all while it was about 90 degrees. Another day in Paradise!




Joshua on his new to him low hours 2008 Gas Gas 300

One of many downed old growths out there.