purchasing 2001 ec 300 - what to look for


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Hi there,

I'm thinking of buying this gasser http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=320260453262 this weekend. I'm going to have a look at it but want to know what to look out for reliability wise. I've never had a Gasgas or any enduro bike for that matter. Just don't want to get stuck with a load of problems. I don't mind doing "easy" work myself like top-end, simple carb jetting, pipes, etc. I'm in yorkshire england if that matters.

Also this one for sale for slightly more http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/GasGas-EC300-...yZ122168QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem waddaya think?

Many thanks for any advice!
Weakest link on the 2001 is the subframe. Look for cracks.

The other most neglected part is the suspension linkage. Most guys don't know you're supposed to put grease on it once in a while.
Weakest link on the 2001 is the subframe. Look for cracks.

The other most neglected part is the suspension linkage. Most guys don't know you're supposed to put grease on it once in a while.

great, thanks for the tip
Brake pedal pivot on frame.
If it is worn, there's a bushing kit with a new bolt to tighten it up.