Radiator pipes


New member
Noticed the other day that both my radiator pipes each side are more or less touching the expansion pipe. Is this normal, as it seems strange to me but hasn't caused a problem so far. 02 ec200
Not normal.
Your pipe is bent.
Take a hammer and lightly dish out the area where it is touching.
Better yet pull the radiator hoses back to the frame with zip ties. The hoses are very close to the pipe even when new, I think gofasters sells a guard for this very thing.

Paul B
On the right side, I think a hose from a late model RM250 2T
will fit and it bends in toward the motor so it is away from the pipe.

Haven't tried it yet, though.....
I had great success pulling my distorted pipe back into shape (so that it no longer touched the rad hoses) by using two loops of 1/2" rope and the racheting heavy-duty bumper jack from my truck. I looped the rope through the areas I wanted to pull apart, and then put one end of a loop under the foot of the jack and the other loop on the jack arm. I then slowly extended the jack. I could reposition the ropes as needed to pull out the distorsions. The neck tube was also slightly distorted, but it was quickly corrected by putting it into a vise chuck and slightly squishing it at 90 degrees to the crumple. In the end my pipe fit as good a new. :) And a no-cost solution too.
