Radiator repair/straigtening DIY

Nice job.;)

I've been using the HTS2000 aluminum brazing rods for years now. Fixed/rebuilt more than a few shifters and brake pedals. Always keep a few with a MAPP torch in the tool box on multi day trips.
I'll also consider soldering next time I break something aluminium.

Today I did a 10-minute test ride. No tears, neither from the radiators, nor from me :D

It turned out that the radiators were punctured by the studs on the side of the plastic shrouds in front of them. Damn, I'm ashamed what a vandal I actually am, since I managed to bend the radiators so much that the shrouds crumbled and poked the tubes. And that's despite the beefy CRD guards I have...

On the other hand, I'm particularly happy for me, because this is my first ever top-end rebuild. It fired up after few kicks and nothing leaked, nor fell off, nor blew up or seized up.

I'll see to make a normal riding day on Sunday to confirm I really succeeded.
As a DIY guy, this thread gives me hope of saving a pair of rads, that I should've tossed long ago. As it stands, I didn't think they could be saved without spending more than new one's cost to replace. I'll be giving this a whurl.