reed question


My reeds (stock Boyseen) are tired and aren't sitting flat on the cage. 2 questions, in the past I have removed and turned them over. What's your take on doing that?
2, how much do you pay for reeds? (and where?). I have had some on order for 3 weeks (along with the rest of my rebuild parts) and am getting a little frustrated with the wait, plus $35 +/- seems a little much for so little.

2000 XC250
My reeds (stock Boyseen) are tired and aren't sitting flat on the cage. 2 questions, in the past I have removed and turned them over. What's your take on doing that?
2, how much do you pay for reeds? (and where?). I have had some on order for 3 weeks (along with the rest of my rebuild parts) and am getting a little frustrated with the wait, plus $35 +/- seems a little much for so little.

2000 XC250

I did flip them over on a Yamaha once and it worked, but you are probably playing with fire on this much perkier engine. They are already fatigued/overheated/melted so having them bend backwards is not a great idea. Pay the $35, it will most likely make it act like a new bike so its a cheap tuneup.
$35 dollars is right on line if not cheap. I usally buy the pro series for around $55. I don't think they are any cheaper for any other bike. When I put the new ones in I like to debur the edges of the larger reeds with #400 sand paper. I was in a pinch once and mine were bowed open and felt soft like you sink you finger nail into them. I was going to flip them, but with them being soft I decided to see want happen if I heated them with a heat gun. I sprayed them with contact cleaner let them dry then hit them with moderate heat from the heat gun. They layed flat after that. I feel that the resin in the reeds get attacked by the something in the gas or oil. I got the idea from accidently dropping an oring in the solvent tank and it swelled up. I needed the oring then and there. I took the heat gun to it and amazingly shrank it to its normal size. The heat gun might be worth a try just don't go over board.
I recommend replacing the reed valves when they get warped. You could flip them in a pinch, but since your taking the time to tear-down this far then I would replace them. By flipping them, you are now fatigue in the opposite direction.

Here is a tech article I did on the reed valve. Photo 6 shows a broken reed valve. Now, imagine the broken bits going into your cylinder during use... not good!