Rekluse delete?


Has anyone ever tried to go back to a regular clutch from a Rekluse? The bike I bought came with a Rekluse. I like it ok having never used one but have found I have less clutch control than I would like. There is no feathering the clutch. The lever must be all the way in to engage. Is that how they usually are set up? Obviously I don?t have any original parts to go back with or springs to adjust it. What are the odds of finding a stock clutch pack or should I try to get some springs and fine tune the Rekluse?
You can go back without issue. Just need to find the right frictions and steels as someone might have done the Honda clutch mod. Selling the Rekluse will cover all the parts you need to swap and then some.

That said, play with it before you ditch it. I have mine set with the lightest springs and have my free play set on the tight side. It's so tight I actually can stall the engine with it which encourages me to keep working the clutch lever. My clutch works decent when overriding the Rekluse but it will never be like an OEM clutch.
I would really like to be able to use the clutch a little more honestly. It would be awesome if I could get lever engagement about half pull, that way uncoils actually feather it a little. What do the extra springs do? Does it make it a harder hit or effect the lever engagement?
I would really like to be able to use the clutch a little more honestly. It would be awesome if I could get lever engagement about half pull, that way uncoils actually feather it a little. What do the extra springs do? Does it make it a harder hit or effect the lever engagement?

The lighter, or even less number of, springs will cause the Rekluse to engage earlier so the clutch lever will have more effect lower in the rpm range. Last I knew you could still buy heavier wedges for it as well that will actually make it bite harder.
SS109 is correct . Ride it for a while to get a feel for it. Setup makes a big difference. The Rekluse can be a big advantage in certain conditions. Its easy to switch back so no biggie.
One thing I did notice is that I have no clue if I am short shifting with my clutch lever or the Rekluse working or both when shifting gears. I have been trying to do some ?slow race? drills around the house to get my balance better and really notice the Rekluse. There is no use for the lever, I feel like I?m cheating because I can get away with not actively thinking about clutch and throttle control. I also can?t pop the clutch to practice pivot turns. It isn?t that I?m trying to be some moto god, but these little drills hopefully will help with my basic riding.

Does y?all?s clutch lever engage the clutch anywhere before it hits the grip? On this bike it has to be completely pulled in to engage, which sucks because I can?t use just one finger, I have to use them all to get it to work.
I also can?t pop the clutch to practice pivot turns.

Yes, IMO/IME, a Rekluse makes pivot turns a little harder as your technique needs to be near perfect to execute them well.

Does y?all?s clutch lever engage the clutch anywhere before it hits the grip? On this bike it has to be completely pulled in to engage, which sucks because I can?t use just one finger, I have to use them all to get it to work.
I never felt the GasGas/Rieju clutch was a one finger deal even without a Rekluse. I actually prefer the cable clutch on my old KDX over the Gasser hydraulic setup.

Anyway, I'm not quite sure I understand what you're asking when you say "clutch lever engage the clutch anywhere before it hits the grip"... could you clarify?
My clutch doesn?t engage until the lever is touching the grip. I am going to adjust the lever and see if I can get it to engage half way.
Do you know what type of Rekluse you have? Do you know when it was installed?

If its the first type (z-start) the lever will behave quite different from a normal clutch. If it is a later type (Core exp or even a Radius) you will have an adjustable slave cylinder where you can adjust the clutch and as a result, also the lever's behaviour.

Please take a look at the slave cylinder. It is right in front of the sprocket on the left-hand side of the engine. If it has something looking like an unbraco screw head, it is the adjustable Rekluse. It may also have a Rekluse logo. If none of these, you have the OEM Gasgas slave cylinder, and most likely also a Z-Start. In that case, there isn't much you can do to adjust the lever action.

The adjustable looks like this

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I know for sure it doesn?t have the adjustable slave cylinder. This clutch came on the bike so I have no clue what is in it. I wonder if an adjustable slave cylinder can be added.
I know for sure it doesn?t have the adjustable slave cylinder. This clutch came on the bike so I have no clue what is in it. I wonder if an adjustable slave cylinder can be added.
Then I think you have the first version of the Rekluse, the z-start. The part number is RMS-100 if I remember correctly.

These work in a different way than the later ones, I dont think an adjustabe slave will have much impact here.

To check what you have, just lay the bike on its side an pop off the small clutch cover. Take a picture of the pressure plate (no need to dismantle anything) and post it here.

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Well I have acquired a take off manual clutch and everything that goes with it. I have a email sent to Rekluse about possibly going with the Core Manual. I am going to take the cover off today and see exactly what model I have. I am curious to see what parts I can Re-use from the auto clutch and go with their manual. Of course the other option is just go with the original. Do y?all have opinions on the Rekluse manual over the stocker? I?m not in a rush to swap, but think that I will probably go back to manual over the next year.
I would take the Rekluse manual clutch over the OEM factory setup any day. That said, using a high quality clutch basket, and doing the Honda frictions mod, fixes the issues with the OEM clutch and is way cheaper than the Rekluse Core Manual.
Here are some pics for y?all to decipher. I am curious if it is possible to use some of these parts from the auto clutch for the Rekluse manual. I see that they sell regular friction and steel plates separately. Also, not sure if I am supposed to have the adjustable slave cylinder or not. I don?t have one. For you guys that have an auto, does your clutch override only occur when the lever is fully pulled in? Or does it start to engage at half pull or before. My biggest beef with this is that I must pull my clutch lever all the way to the grip for override. Kind of sucks having to change handgrip to use the clutch instead of using one or two fingers.


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Did you also find an EXP 2.0 user manual? The centerpiece of the pressure plate looks like an adjustment mechanism. You should try to adust it, as that most likely will ccure your problem with the lever going too far in before anything happens. If you can adjust it there, an adjustable slave will do the same thing without the need for opening it up to adjust it.
I did not find a manual. Rekluse has a huge list of manuals but they are listed by part number. I have an email sent to them to find out which manual I need. The more videos I see the more I am figuring it out. I called them yesterday and the guy said the adjuster in the center would effect the free play gain which in turn would also effect clutch lever adjustment. It seems that the style clutch I have is one that would be like the cable clutch style even though I have hydraulic. Most hydraulic come with the slave cylinder. I am assuming that adjusting my clutch lever play will also effect free play gain, so I?m thinking that both will have to be done in tandem. I?m gonna give it a try after work today.

It not that I don?t like the auto, I just hate the fact I have to pull the lever in with all fingers, essentially changing my grip while riding. I?m trying to get that two finger halfway pull to override without smashing my other fingers.