replacing 2018 clutch basket


New member
I decided to try the Rekluse clutch basket to see if I can eliminate some of the horrid clutch honking and squealing clutch noise I get on my bike. It doesn't seem to be mechanically effecting my bike but I always find myself slowing down and backing off when it happens.

I cannot find any info online about the process nor find an online manual that covers the process.

Does anyone know first hand if the inner clutch cover has to come off to replace the basket on the GG enduros? I bought an inner clutch cover gasket incase.

I have the rekluse instructions but they are generic
I would like to have a things lined up for when I get back home to the bike.
Thank you
The basket can be removed though the outer cover.


When I got home I popped it off and pulled the hub in prep. Then when I was feeling the basket tangs for grooves I ended up pulling the basket half out.

For anyone considering swapping the basket but concerned about the depth of the project I would say it's about a 2 out of 10 difficulty.

It also took all the clutch honking noise that I was experiencing away.
Does rekluse use the stock gas gas clutch plates?

I have a Rekluse Core Manual so I cannot say for certain. I am pretty sure the OEM plates work though because the 2018 GP bikes allegedly had the Rekluse cover and basket with the GG stock clutch.

I changed to the core manual because the OEM clutch pack is almost $400 to replace off the fiche and that's twice as much as I can replace the Rekluse plates for.
The first and most important question: did the new basket change anything?

I have a Rekluse basket on order for my 300 EC/19. The clutch was squealing a lot so I decided to take it out. All I found were some heat marks on the steel plates and the two inner friction plates were a bit darker, so definitely suffered from heat.
I put 15/60 Motul V300 (the most expensive I could get) in and I installed the inner friction discs last so they're the first ones now. Test rode it yesterday (85F) and no joy. After just 10 minutes of riding it started to squeal when i feathered the clutch :(

New kevlar friction discs and steel plates are on the shelf but Rekluse can't deliver the basket and Rekluse Italy who has it in stock refused sending it. So I am waiting and waiting and waiting....:mad:

edit: the bsket arrived! Yihaaa! Will install it Saturday :-)
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The first and most important question: did the new basket change anything?

I have a Rekluse basket on order for my 300 EC/19. The clutch was squealing a lot so I decided to take it out. All I found were some heat marks on the steel plates and the two inner friction plates were a bit darker, so definitely suffered from heat.
I put 15/60 Motul V300 (the most expensive I could get) in and I installed the inner friction discs last so they're the first ones now. Test rode it yesterday (85F) and no joy. After just 10 minutes of riding it started to squeal when i feathered the clutch :(

New kevlar friction discs and steel plates are on the shelf but Rekluse can't deliver the basket and Rekluse Italy who has it in stock refused sending it. So I am waiting and waiting and waiting....:mad:

edit: the bsket arrived! Yihaaa! Will install it Saturday :-)

Yes, the Rekluse basket stopped the clutch honking/squealing and other odd noises for me. The GG basket dampeners were in good working shape but I believe they are the root of the noises due to their thickness and asymmetric shape. The Rekluse basket dampeners are essentially very large O-rings type design over a post on the basket. You'll have to do a search for the GG basket dampener image because I can't describe it off hand and cannot picture what the engineers were thinking when they spec'd it for an enduro bike.
Yes, the Rekluse basket stopped the clutch honking/squealing and other odd noises for me. The GG basket dampeners were in good working shape but I believe they are the root of the noises due to their thickness and asymmetric shape. The Rekluse basket dampeners are essentially very large O-rings type design over a post on the basket. You'll have to do a search for the GG basket dampener image because I can't describe it off hand and cannot picture what the engineers were thinking when they spec'd it for an enduro bike.

Many thanks for taking the time to answer, much appreciated! needless to say that your answer made my day!

Yes, I saw that the Rekluse o-rings are considerably larger than the OEM ones and they are round while the OEM ones -you said it already- have kinda weird shape.
I took the clutch out today, put the new kevlar type friction discs into nice Amsoil 10/50 , which I had to import as its not available in Austria. But it has been said it's very good for clutch and shifting problems. As it isn't very expensive I give it a try.

Saturday I will take off the OEM basket and I do hope it's not the one Rekluse calls "odd" as then the Rekluse basket can't be fitted. But I hope it will be the normal one. If so the Rekluse basket will go in with new friction and steel plates. I really hope that this will stop all the weird noises which bother me so much.
Thanks again!

Rekluse basket, new Kevlar friction discs and steel plates installed. Pretty easy job, just bending the sfaety washer's tabs on the basket nut was a pita.

Filled a quart of Amsoil 10/50 and went for a short blast on a fire road. Thats illegal and I have no legal possibility to ride here but will go to Hungary as soon as temps drop (currently 95F).

Clutch feels normal, shifting too. Clutch drags a tiny bit although I have bled the system very well (with slave off the bike). But it always did that and all of my Katos were a lot worse. Its worst when engine is hot and I start it while it is in gear. It leaps forward for half a second. But as said it always did. So no drama.
Update: clutch squeal and judder are gone, at least for the moment. But I hope it wont come back.

Unfortunately I have a different problem now but will open an own thread for that.