If it was a rebound problem it wouldn't have gone away with softer base valving, would it? Softer base valve should rather exaggurate an already too soft rebound, wouldnt it? Please enlighten me
I have not yet dismantled my rebound stack, so I don't know if it's the same as the 2-strokes.
The base valve om my FSE '05 is NOT the same as the 2-strokes, as read in pobits thread on valve specs.
The FSE forks has 22x0.10 shims closest to the base valve, as compared to the EC 21x10. Thus there is no extra bleed in the valve as it is in the EC.
I was almost happy with my previous soft base valve, only problem was that forks bottomed when going slow on steep rocky downhills.
Springs: 4,2 N+4,6N
base valve:
Oil: 120mm 7.5wt
Clickers: rebound -9, comp -9
The above setup totally removed the harshness over medium/small rocks at high speed.
With the below setup pobit suggested, the clicker settings, either rebound or compression had any noticable effect on my high(motorcycle) speed deflection/harshness.
Springs: 4,6N
basevalve: stock
Oil: 140mm 7.5 wt
Bike handling was good, no problems going slow, low speed damping in landings and whoops felt really good. But harshness still there.
Today I'm going to try again with the soft base valve setup, but I have now two 4,6N springs, 140mm of 7.5 wt oil. Starting off with rebound at -9 and comp at -5.
triple clamp torque: 14Nm upper, 11Nm lower